WCF Service Proxy throws exception when more than one parameter is used in [OperationContract] method


Solution 1

It seems you have created Proxy code using Add Service Reference dialog in VS. VS ASR dialog doesn't support WCF REST fully, so, the proxy code is missing [WebInvoke] attribute. Can you try adding [WebInvoke(BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped)] attribute on operations in client proxy?

Solution 2

Two solutions I found:

If you can remove <webHttp/>



If you cannot, I had to add the attribute

[WebInvoke(BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)]

Above the Operation Contact Method

Solution 3

Try changing the hosting environment of your service within Visual Studio.
Change it from Use local IIS to 'Use Visual Studio Development Server'.

Apparently there is a different behaviour depending the hosting environment.

Solution 4

updating tha app.config in the client and setting the defaultBodyStyle as WrappedRequest worked for me, where as removing the webHttp cause other issues.

    <behavior name="webHttp">
      <webHttp defaultBodyStyle="WrappedRequest"/>
Author by


Computer programmer; indy game hobbyist.

Updated on February 14, 2022


  • bugfixr
    bugfixr about 2 years

    I have a WebServiceHost that is being used to host some web services in a console app. I added a service reference to it in my client app and create the proxy like so:

    var binding = new WebHttpBinding();
    var endPoint = new EndpointAddress(string.Format(Settings.serviceBase, Settings.wcfPort));
    ChannelFactory<IzWaveSVC> factory = new ChannelFactory<IzWaveSVC>(new WebHttpBinding(), endPoint);
    factory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior());
    // **Exception occurs here**
    var proxy = (IzWaveSVC)factory.CreateChannel();

    It works, but once I added a new method that requires more than one parameter, I started getting this exception when the proxy was created (this was before any communication even took place):

    Operation 'setDeviceState' of contract 'IzWaveSVC' specifies multiple request 
    body parameters to be serialized without any wrapper elements. At most one 
    body parameter can be serialized without wrapper elements. Either remove the 
    extra body parameters or set the BodyStyle property on the WebGetAttribute / 
    WebInvokeAttribute to Wrapped.

    Adding a WebInvokeAttribute and setting the BodyStyle to wrapped has no effect:

    [WebInvoke(BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped)]        
    bool setDeviceState(byte nodeId, bool powered, byte level);

    It should be noted that I have other methods that work, but they only have a single parameter so they don't have the above problem.

    Just FYI, here's how I setup the host:

    endPoint = new EndpointAddress(string.Format(Settings.serviceBase, port));
    binding = new WebHttpBinding();
    host = new WebServiceHost(singletonObject, new Uri(string.Format(Settings.serviceBase, port)));
    host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IzWaveSVC), binding, ""); 
    ServiceMetadataBehavior mexBehavior = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();                
    mexBehavior.HttpGetEnabled = true;
    host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMetadataExchange), MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexHttpBinding(), endPoint.Uri.AbsoluteUri + "mex");    

    Any help is appreciated.


  • bugfixr
    bugfixr over 13 years
    I added that to my ASR-generated code, in the Reference.cs file and it did indeed work. Is there a way to accomplish the same thing during the call stage instead of having to modify the reference.cs file? I'd hate to have to remember to update that file everytime I refresh my service....
  • AMH
    AMH almost 12 years
    but it never worked see my yquestion stackoverflow.com/questions/11466537/wcf-strange-behaviour
  • AMH
    AMH almost 12 years
    what do u mean by attribute on operations in client proxy? , I added them to the WCF library, and doesn't work see my question
  • jonayreyes
    jonayreyes about 9 years
    @bugfixr even when adding it to the reference file, it keeps spitting the same error, as if nothing had changed