Webpack babel 6 ES6 decorators


Solution 1

This Babel plugin worked for me:


npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy


  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0", "react"],
  "plugins": [
    // ...



  test: /\.jsx?$/,
  loader: 'babel',
  query: {
    cacheDirectory: true,
    plugins: ['transform-decorators-legacy' ],
    presets: ['es2015', 'stage-0', 'react']

React Native

With react-native you must use the babel-preset-react-native-stage-0 plugin instead.

npm i --save babel-preset-react-native-stage-0


  "presets": ["react-native-stage-0/decorator-support"]

Please see this question and answer for a complete explanation.

Solution 2

After spending 5 minutes on the babeljs slack webchat, I found out that decorators are broken in the current version of babel (v6.2). The only solution seems to be to downgrade to 5.8 at this time.

It would also seem they moved their issue tracker from github to https://phabricator.babeljs.io

I write all this down, since after hours of searching I have found the current documentation very poor and lacking.

Solution 3

Installing only babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy didn't work for me (I have a configuration using enzyme along with karma). Turns out installing transform-class-properties: transform-class-properties and also making sure that the legacy plugin is before the transform class plugin as per the docs in transform-decorators-legacy finally made it work for me.

I'm also not using a .babelrc file, but adding this to my karma.conf.js file worked for me:

babelPreprocessor: {
  options: {
    presets: ['airbnb', 'es2015', 'stage-0', 'react'],
    plugins: ["transform-decorators-legacy", "transform-class-properties"]

I also added it to my loaders:

loaders: [
    test: /\.js$/,
    loader: 'babel',
    exclude: path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'),
    query: {
      presets: ['airbnb', 'es2015', 'stage-0', 'react'],
      plugins: ["transform-decorators-legacy", "transform-class-properties"]

Solution 4

You just need a transform decorators plugin: http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-decorators/

Solution 5

If you upgraded your project from Babel 6 to Babel 7, then you want to install @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators.

If you want to support legacy decorators as used in Babel 5, you need to configure your .babelrc as follows:

plugins: [
      ['@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators', { legacy: true }],
      ['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', { loose: true }],

Ensure @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators comes before @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties in the case that you are making use of the latter.


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Just me

Updated on July 18, 2020


  • Pavlin
    Pavlin almost 4 years

    I've got a project written in ES6 with webpack as my bundler. Most of the transpiling works fine, but when I try to include decorators anywhere, I get this error:

    Decorators are not supported yet in 6.x pending proposal update.

    I've looked over the babel issue tracker, and haven't been able to find anything on it there, so I'm assuming I'm using it wrong. My webpack config (the relevant bits):

    loaders: [
        loader: 'babel',
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        include: path.join(__dirname, 'src'),
        test: /\.jsx?$/,
        query: {
          plugins: ['transform-runtime'],
          presets: ['es2015', 'stage-0', 'react']

    I have no trouble with anything else, arrow functions, destructuring all work fine, this is the only thing that doesn't work.

    I know I could always downgrade to babel 5.8 where I had it working a while ago, but if there's any way to get this working in the current version (v6.2.0), it would help.

    • Pavlin
      Pavlin over 8 years
      I thought since I included the stage-0 preset, that they would get transformed propery. Decorators are part of the stage-1 preset that should include the transform-decorators. As written on the babel website.
    • Sulthan
      Sulthan over 8 years
      @Pavlin I am thinking whether this could be an issue with the ordering of presets.
    • Pavlin
      Pavlin over 8 years
      I thought it may be that, but I tested it again. Any way I put it I get an error. Apparently the order does matter, but I don't think that's the problem here.
  • Jason
    Jason over 8 years
    From that issue, a "best-effort with limitations" legacy plugin was made. See readme for limitations: npmjs.com/package/babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy
  • dvlsg
    dvlsg over 8 years
    I can confirm that the transform decorators legacy is working for me as an interim solution.
  • amcdnl
    amcdnl over 8 years
    Still failed for me w/ that.
  • loganfsmyth
    loganfsmyth over 8 years
    You probably wouldn't want the plugin enabled only for development.
  • Kyle Finley
    Kyle Finley over 8 years
    Thanks @loganfsmyth. I've update the answer to include production as well
  • loganfsmyth
    loganfsmyth over 8 years
    I mean, why put it in an env block at all? You can have plugins as a sibling of presets
  • Kyle Finley
    Kyle Finley over 8 years
    @loganfsmyth, ah, I didn't know that. Updated, thanks.
  • Qiming
    Qiming over 8 years
    @amcdnl my impression is that the transform decorators plugin is the official one but left unimplemented due to TC39 constraints, in the meantime there is this - github.com/loganfsmyth/babel-plugin-transform-decorators-leg‌​acy
  • Ajax
    Ajax over 8 years
    @Pavlin, although your answer may have been correct, the plugin listed below should be the accepted answer for now.
  • amcdnl
    amcdnl over 8 years
    @Qiming yup thats what i ended up using and babel official even says that if u dig far enough .. pretty terrible idea on their part imo
  • Micros
    Micros over 8 years
    Is it on purpose that the order of presets for Webpack is different from Babelrc? (es2015 first instead of react)
  • Kyle Finley
    Kyle Finley over 8 years
    @Micros, no the order doesn't matter. I've update the answer to avoid confusion.
  • reectrix
    reectrix almost 8 years
    The babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy doesn't work for me. Any updates for 2016?
  • Kyle Finley
    Kyle Finley almost 8 years
    @am5255, it still seems to be working for me. Would you mind submitting an issue with the author? github.com/loganfsmyth/babel-plugin-transform-decorators-leg‌​acy/…
  • reectrix
    reectrix almost 8 years
    Was finally able to get this to work. Turns out I had to install transform-class-properties as well babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-class-properties and also make sure that the legacy plugin is before the transform class plugin as per the docs in github.com/loganfsmyth/babel-plugin-transform-decorators-leg‌​acy
  • cjmling
    cjmling about 6 years
    Spend an hour here and there and this things worked for me. Thanks alot