webpack sass-loader not generating a css file


You are using the style-loader, which, by default, embeds your CSS in Javascript and injects it at runtime.

If you want real CSS files instead of CSS embedded in your Javascript, you should use the ExtractTextPlugin.

A basic config would be:

  1. Add var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'); to the top of your Webpack config file.

  2. Add the following to your Webpack config:

    plugins: [
        new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].css'),
  3. Change your SASS loader config to the following:

        test: /\.scss$/,
        loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(
            'style-loader', // backup loader when not building .css file
            'css-loader!sass-loader' // loaders to preprocess CSS

What this does is extract all CSS it can find in your bundle to a separate file. The name will be based on your entrypoint name, which in your case will result in javascript.css (from the entry part of your config).

The ExtractTextPlugin.extract-loader is used by the plugin to find the CSS in your code and put it in separate files. The first parameter you give it is the loader it should fall back to if it encounters files in an async module, for example. Generally this is pretty much always style-loader. The second parameter tells the plugin what loaders to use to process the CSS, in this case css-loader and sass-loader, but things like postcss-loader are often used too.

More info on building your CSS with Webpack can be found here: https://webpack.github.io/docs/stylesheets.html#separate-css-bundle

Author by


Updated on May 18, 2020


    PAT-O-MATION about 4 years

    I can't figure out how to render a css file with the webpack sass-loader.

    Here's what my webpackconfig.js looks like:

    module.exports = {
      context: __dirname + "/app",
      entry: {
        javascript: "./app.js",
        html: "./index.html"
      output: {
        filename: "app.js",
        path: __dirname + "/dist"
      module: {
        loaders: [
            test: /\.js$/,
            exclude: /node_modules/,
            loaders: ["babel-loader"],
          //Index HMTML
            test: /\.html$/,
            loader: "file?name=[name].[ext]",
            test: /\.js$/,
            exclude: /node_modules/,
            loaders: ["react-hot", "babel-loader"],
          // SASS
            test: /\.scss$/,
            loader: 'style!css!sass'

    As you can see I'm using the sass-loader module loader specified in the documentation.

        test: /\.scss$/,
        loader: 'style!css!sass'

    My root looks as such:

    Project Root:
       ?????? WTF is my css file??

    I can get everything else working such as html and jsx babble loaders. I just type in webpack into the command line and things happen.

    I'm doing something wrong with the sass loader. What is it? Please help.

  • Balázs Édes
    Balázs Édes almost 8 years
    you saved a large portion of my hair :)
  • piotr.d
    piotr.d almost 8 years
    The above is a valid approach, but I'd add a note which I was missing even though I used the above way: webpack won't pick up your styles until you add require("./stylesheet.css") to your module (JS file). It may be obvious (and is mentioned in docs), but for Webpack beginners it's not.
  • Hein Haraldson Berg
    Hein Haraldson Berg almost 8 years
    @piotr.d Or use html-webpack-plugin. :)
  • roberto tomás
    roberto tomás over 7 years
    @piotr.d its funny, I get an error when I try to do that: ERROR in ./scripts/app.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ./app.css ...
  • Isaac Pak
    Isaac Pak about 7 years
    the extract extract-text-webpack-plugin now requires you to explicitly give the names of the loader. ie. extract(css-loader|sass-loader)