wget - How to download recursively and only specific mime-types/extensions (i.e. text only)


Solution 1

I've tried a totally different approach is to use Scrapy, however it has the same problem! Here's how I solved it: SO: Python Scrapy - mimetype based filter to avoid non-text file downloads?

The solution is to setup a Node.js proxy and configure Scrapy to use it through http_proxy environment variable.

What the proxy should do is:

  • Take HTTP requests from Scrapy and sends it to the server being crawled. Then it gives back the response from to Scrapy i.e. intercept all HTTP traffic.
  • For binary files (based on a heuristic you implement) it sends 403 Forbidden error to Scrapy and immediate closes the request/response. This helps to save time, traffic and Scrapy won't crash.

Sample Proxy Code That actually works!

http.createServer(function(clientReq, clientRes) {
    var options = {
        host: clientReq.headers['host'],
        port: 80,
        path: clientReq.url,
        method: clientReq.method,
        headers: clientReq.headers

    var fullUrl = clientReq.headers['host'] + clientReq.url;

    var proxyReq = http.request(options, function(proxyRes) {
        var contentType = proxyRes.headers['content-type'] || '';
        if (!contentType.startsWith('text/')) {
            var httpForbidden = 403;
            clientRes.write('Binary download is disabled.');

        clientRes.writeHead(proxyRes.statusCode, proxyRes.headers);

    proxyReq.on('error', function(e) {
        console.log('problem with clientReq: ' + e.message);



Solution 2

You could specify a list of allowed resp. disallowed filename patterns:


--accept LIST


--reject LIST

LIST is comma-separated list of filename patterns/extensions.

You can use the following reserved characters to specify patterns:

  • *
  • ?
  • [
  • ]


  • only download PNG files: -A png
  • don't download CSS files: -R css
  • don't download PNG files that start with "avatar": -R avatar*.png

If the file has no extension resp. the file name has no pattern you could make use of, you'd need MIME type parsing, I guess (see Lars Kotthoffs answer).

Solution 3

You could try patching wget with this (also here) to filter by MIME type. This patch is quite old now though, so it might not work anymore.

Solution 4

A new Wget (Wget2) already has feature:

--filter-mime-type    Specify a list of mime types to be saved or ignored`

### `--filter-mime-type=list`

Specify a comma-separated list of MIME types that will be downloaded.  Elements of list may contain wildcards.
If a MIME type starts with the character '!' it won't be downloaded, this is useful when trying to download
something with exceptions. For example, download everything except images:

  wget2 -r https://<site>/<document> --filter-mime-type=*,\!image/*

It is also useful to download files that are compatible with an application of your system. For instance,
download every file that is compatible with LibreOffice Writer from a website using the recursive mode:

  wget2 -r https://<site>/<document> --filter-mime-type=$(sed -r '/^MimeType=/!d;s/^MimeType=//;s/;/,/g' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-writer.desktop)

Wget2 has not been released as of today, but will be soon. Debian unstable already has an alpha version shipped.

Look at https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2 for more info. You can post questions/comments directly to [email protected].


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Omar Al-Ithawi
Author by

Omar Al-Ithawi

Django, Python and a little bit of React and JavaScript.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Omar Al-Ithawi
    Omar Al-Ithawi almost 2 years

    How to download a full website, but ignoring all binary files.

    wget has this functionality using the -r flag but it downloads everything and some websites are just too much for a low-resources machine and it's not of a use for the specific reason I'm downloading the site.

    Here is the command line i use: wget -P 20 -r -l 0 http://www.omardo.com/blog (my own blog)

  • James Andino
    James Andino over 11 years
    Giving this a shot... ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget I rolled the dice on just patching the newest version of wget with this but no luck( of course ). I would try to update the patch but I frankly don`t have the chops yet in c++ for it to not be a time sink. I did manage to grab the version of wget it was written for and get that running. I had trouble though compiling with ssl support because I could not figure out what version of openssl I needed to grab.
  • David Portabella
    David Portabella almost 8 years
    this looks great. any idea why this patch has not been yet accepted (four years later)?