What's the best way to initialize a dict of dicts in Python?


Solution 1

class AutoVivification(dict):
    """Implementation of perl's autovivification feature."""
    def __getitem__(self, item):
            return dict.__getitem__(self, item)
        except KeyError:
            value = self[item] = type(self)()
            return value


a = AutoVivification()

a[1][2][3] = 4
a[1][3][3] = 5
a[1][2]['test'] = 6

print a


{1: {2: {'test': 6, 3: 4}, 3: {3: 5}}}

Solution 2

If the amount of nesting you need is fixed, collections.defaultdict is wonderful.

e.g. nesting two deep:

myhash = collections.defaultdict(dict)
myhash[1][2] = 3
myhash[1][3] = 13
myhash[2][4] = 9

If you want to go another level of nesting, you'll need to do something like:

myhash = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict(dict))
myhash[1][2][3] = 4
myhash[1][3][3] = 5
myhash[1][2]['test'] = 6

edit: MizardX points out that we can get full genericity with a simple function:

import collections
def makehash():
    return collections.defaultdict(makehash)

Now we can do:

myhash = makehash()
myhash[1][2] = 4
myhash[1][3] = 8
myhash[2][5][8] = 17
# etc

Solution 3

Is there a reason it needs to be a dict of dicts? If there's no compelling reason for that particular structure, you could simply index the dict with a tuple:

mydict = {('foo', 'bar', 'baz'):1} # Initializes dict with a key/value pair
mydict[('foo', 'bar', 'baz')]      # Returns 1

mydict[('foo', 'unbar')] = 2       # Sets a value for a new key

The parentheses are required if you initialize the dict with a tuple key, but you can omit them when setting/getting values using []:

mydict = {}                        # Initialized the dict
mydict['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] = 1    # Sets a value
mydict['foo', 'bar', 'baz']        # Returns 1

Solution 4

I guess the literal translation would be:

 mydict = {'foo' : { 'bar' : { 'baz':1}}}


 >>> mydict['foo']['bar']['baz']

gives you 1.

That looks a little gross to me, though.

(I'm no perl guy, though, so I'm guessing at what your perl does)

Author by


Updated on March 04, 2020


  • mike
    mike over 4 years

    A lot of times in Perl, I'll do something like this:

    $myhash{foo}{bar}{baz} = 1

    How would I translate this to Python? So far I have:

    if not 'foo' in myhash:
        myhash['foo'] = {}
    if not 'bar' in myhash['foo']:
        myhash['foo']['bar'] = {}
    myhash['foo']['bar']['baz'] = 1

    Is there a better way?

  • mike
    mike over 15 years
    That only works at initialization time, though, right?
  • Kiv
    Kiv over 15 years
    Can you be clear on when you can omit the parentheses? Is it because the comma is the tuple operator, and the parentheses only needed if we have ambiguous grouping?
  • sedavidw
    sedavidw over 15 years
    or def makehash(): return collections.defaultdict(makehash); myhash = makehash()
  • Sheep
    Sheep over 15 years
    I've got no problems with "traditional" recursive functions, but there's something about that that I find unintuitive. Odd. Anyway, thanks!
  • wheaties
    wheaties over 14 years
    Thanks for this. That lambda: defaultdict() is what I needed.
  • Londerson Araújo
    Londerson Araújo about 14 years
    Unfortunately that recursive makehash approach does not handle the following a = makehash(); a['foo'] += 1; as I understand it's because the default_factory is not specified here. Do you know how to overcome this issue?
  • Londerson Araújo
    Londerson Araújo about 14 years
    Is it possible to extend it so it supports the following behavior: a[1][2][3] += some_value. So if the key did not exist in advance, then the a[1][2][3] would be initialized with the default value of the type(some_value)?
  • Dave Rawks
    Dave Rawks over 12 years
    This function has the side effect that any attempts to get a non-existent key also creates the key. Typically you would only want to auto create a key if you were at the same time setting a key or subkey.
  • Wexxor
    Wexxor over 11 years
    This just saved my bacon on a data conversion project that was overdue before I started it. I needed to do some time coalescing of log messages based on sec,msec tags; I really wanted to use hash-hash-list. tagtable = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict(list)) really hit the spot.
  • Cees Timmerman
    Cees Timmerman about 11 years
    @Dana, as opposed to adding new values to mydict during runtime.
  • PascalVKooten
    PascalVKooten over 10 years
    Is there also a way to make the assignment variable? So that given var = [1,2,3], I could do like a[var] = 1, which would expand to a[1][2][3] = 1?
  • PascalVKooten
    PascalVKooten over 10 years
    var = [1,2] would then allow a[var] = 1 to be a[1][2] = 1
  • nosklo
    nosklo over 10 years
    @Dualinity that already works if you use normal dicts and tuples: d = {}; k = (1, 2, 3); d[k] = 1 then you can use d[1,2,3]. If you want to use d[1][2][3] (why?) you'd have to modify the recipe above, ask another question. remember tat flat is better than nested.
  • PascalVKooten
    PascalVKooten over 10 years
    Because I want to have a structure with
  • PonyEars
    PonyEars almost 10 years
    makehash() is awesome. But is there a pythonic way to accomplish the same thing with a default value as well? Difficult, because the default value is a defaultdict()?
  • timfeirg
    timfeirg over 9 years
    very handy it is when initializing, but it seems there's no easy way to work with this dict since there's lambda function involved, e.g. print myhash will get a bunch of <function <lambda> at ...> sort of thing.
  • eric.frederich
    eric.frederich over 9 years
    Another solution would be... from collections import defaultdict followed by AutoVivification = lambda: defaultdict(AutoVivification) This one seems more simple. Subclassing dict though has the side effect of the dictionary being easier to read when printed though. Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autovivification#Python
  • Daniel Pérez Rada
    Daniel Pérez Rada almost 8 years
    @AntonDaneyko to auto initialize a[1][2][3] += some_value you can overwrite the method def __iadd__(self, some_value): return some_value
  • ChaimG
    ChaimG over 6 years
    This may actually be faster than nested dictionaries because there is one lookup instead of three.
  • diegopso
    diegopso over 4 years
    @timfeirg you can use json lib to overcome this: import json; print json.dumps(myhash).
  • rubmz
    rubmz over 3 years
    Yes for initializing well defined structures which are then written to json? A very common case/practice...