What's the most efficient way to convert a Matrix{T} of size 1*N or N*1 in Julia to a Vector{T}?


Solution 1

You can use the vec() function. It's faster than the list comprehension and scales better with number of elements ;) For a matrix of 1000x1:

julia> const a = reshape([1:1000],1000,1);

julia> typeof(a)

julia> vec_a = [x::Int for x in a];

julia> typeof(vec_a)

julia> vec_aII = vec(a);

julia> typeof(vec_aII)

6.41e-6 seconds # list comprehension

2.92e-7 seconds # vec()

Solution 2

I would tend to use squeeze to do this if the matrix is 1xN or Nx1:

squeeze(ones(3, 1))
squeeze(ones(1, 3))

Not sure if that's more efficient than using vec or reshape.

Solution 3

vec() is faster

const a = reshape([1:1000],1000,1);
@time vec(a);
elapsed time: 6.914e-6 seconds (184 bytes allocated)
@time squeeze(a,2);
elapsed time: 1.0336e-5 seconds (248 bytes allocated)

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Ben Hamner
Author by

Ben Hamner

Updated on March 17, 2020


  • Ben Hamner
    Ben Hamner about 4 years

    What's the most efficient way to convert a Matrix{T} of size 1*N or N*1 in Julia to a Vector{T}?

    For example, say I have

    a = [1,3,5]
    b = a'

    Both a and b are of type Array{Int,2} (i.e. Matrix{Int}). What are the most efficient ways to convert a and b to type Array{Int,1} (i.e. Vector{Int})?

    One approach is:

    a_vec = [x::Int for x in a]
    b_vec = [x::Int for x in b]
  • StefanKarpinski
    StefanKarpinski over 11 years
    One important thing to note about both vec and reshape is that they share memory with the underlying array for performance – that's why vec is so much faster than a comprehension, which creates a new array object, copying content. Thus, if you change a[1], v_aII[1] will also change and vice versa, whereas v_a[1] will be unaffected.
  • Diego Javier Zea
    Diego Javier Zea over 11 years
    Good, I didn't know about this function.
  • Diego Javier Zea
    Diego Javier Zea over 11 years
    Seeing in the definitions, looks like squeeze has to be a little more slow than the other. github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/base/… I do a little benchmark, and I found: squeeze(m) : ( 2.97 +- 2 ) e-6 seconds vec(m) : ( 2.02 +- 2 ) e-6 seconds reshape(m,length(m)) : ( 1.72 +- 2 ) e-6 seconds Difference is very very small, but how one can expect by definitions, reshape(m,length(m)) is the faster option.