what's wrong with git clone? index-pack died of signal 99 error


This is a loss of network connectivity more than likely - error 99 is coming from your ssh

Connection Closed By Remote Host 

Try with

GIT_TRACE=1 git clone REPO new_dir

That will let you know exactly where it is timing out.

Author by


Have fun:)

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • thinke365
    thinke365 about 2 years

    this issue is different from Git push "error: index-pack died of signal 9"

    the error message is as follows:

    remote: Counting objects: 40512, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8896/8896), done.
    remote: Total 40512 (delta 31079), reused 40394 (delta 30980)
    Receiving objects: 100% (40512/40512), 6.05 MiB | 22 KiB/s, done.
    error: index-pack died of signal 99)   
    fatal: index-pack failed
    real    1292050m43.682s
    user    0m23.645s
    sys     0m5.872s

    one more case:

    remote: Counting objects: 18389, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4951/4951), done.
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly MiB | 22 KiB/s      
    fatal: early EOF
    fatal: index-pack failed
    real    7m18.359s
    user    0m4.448s
    sys     0m1.860s