What are your favourite ZX Spectrum development tools?


Solution 1

I always used to use Roybot Assembler - which had you enter your program using the BASIC editor and REM statements. It comes with a decent debugger/disassembler that lets you single-step machine code too.

The Hisoft Gens and Mons assembler and disassembler (aka Devpak) are probably fairly popular.

For high-level compiling, the Mira Modula-2 compiler is very good.

Solution 2

Hisoft Gens and Mons assembler and disassembler for programming/debugging.

The Artist / The Art Studio for graphics:

The Music Box for sound:

Solution 3

Zeus assembler, was the best.

I'd add a couple of the Spectrum books in there if I could remember the names, still have them at home. One was The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly by Ian Logan and Frank O'Hara (ISBN 0 86161 116 0), which was commented and described as if it was the source, a fantastic piece of reverse engineering, including a suggested bug fix for the known ROM bugs. If only flash memory had been around in those days. I also memorised a tiny book called the Z80 Workshop Manual which was a great summary of the processor.

Solution 4

Just programming in BASIC, the commands are right there on those rubbery keys. Now if only PC's could have key-legends with while, case, switch etc. on them :-)

Solution 5

ZX ASM 3.0

It had the best user interface and good feature set compared to other assemblers at the end of the twentieth century.

Joan Cardona
Author by

Joan Cardona

I like wooden pencils.

Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Joan Cardona
    Joan Cardona about 2 years

    What are your favourite assemblers, compilers, environments, interpreters for the good old ZX Spectrum?