What constitues 24-bit FLAC?


Solution 1

FLAC accepts a couple of integer parameters:

  • PCM bit resolution (4 - 32 bits)
  • Sampling rate (1 Hz - 655,350 Hz)
  • Channels (1 - 8)

All parameters ultimately affect bit rate (in kbps).

The difference between 16-bit and 24-bit FLAC lies in the PCM bit resolution.

The Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is used to digitally represent the audio signal, which is analog.

See also:

Solution 2

FLAC is a method to compress PCM (WAV) without loss. Those WAV files can be of different quality, including 16 or 24bit. 24bit allows better dynamic range at the cost of larger file sizes, so yeah the final kbps will be higher by definition. Expect at least 1.5x the size of 16-bit FLACs.


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Sandeep Sharma
Author by

Sandeep Sharma

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Sandeep Sharma
    Sandeep Sharma almost 2 years

    Following is my simple html:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <span style="display:inline-block;width:49%;text-align:center"> some text</span>
                     <span style="display:inline-block;width:49%;text-align:center"> some text</span>

    I want row to be divided into 2 equal space/columns but when I use 50% width, second span comes to the next row.

    What I did?

    fixed both widths to 49% then it is working but I want space to be equally divided using 50%.

    What am I missing?

    • Sandeep Sharma
      Sandeep Sharma over 7 years
      cool... nice to know about this issue..
  • Sandeep Sharma
    Sandeep Sharma over 7 years
    Great.. Do you explain with some reasoning?