What is a check_mk sticky comment when acknowledging a host/service?


Solution 1

I'll answer with some gritty details. Jenny D is to the point but I'd like to be more precise about "no further alarms".

Normally, Nagios will notifiy you on each status change:

  1. So if your service becomes "WARN", you get a notification.
  2. You acknoweledge the service now, and will not get another (i.e. perioditc) notification as long as the service stays in the "WARN" state.
  3. If it traverses to "CRIT", you get a notification.
  4. If it goes back to "WARN", you get a notification.
  5. If it then goes to "OK", you get a recovery notification.
  6. After that, acknowledgment is expired since it becomes "OK"

In the sticky scenario, the will be no notifications about traversals between problem states:

  1. So if your service becomes "WARN", you get a notification.
  2. You acknoweledge the service now with the sticky option set.
  3. If it traverses to "CRIT", you get no notification.
  4. If it goes back to "WARN", you get no notification.
  5. If it then goes to "OK", you get a recovery notification.
  6. After that, the sticky setting is removed since it's a property of the acknowledgment - expired since it becomes "OK"

In human terms:

Not setting the sticky option means: I'm working on the issue, but this will take a while, for example, while it's just a WARN I'm not authorized to map a new disk. If suddenly stuff escalates and the filesystem fills to CRIT, I need to know since then we move from proactive maintenance to an emergency fix.

The sticky option allows you to chose some other way of doing it. I'm working on the issue and will keep an eye on it while I work. During my work, it can worsen temporarly until I'm DONE and then it'll be fine

FYI: If you use the persistent comment option, the acknowledgement will be gone, but the text you entered will remain

Solution 2

The question is about the Acknowledge-Box: sticky vs. persistent

OK, they are what I have described in the above comment. Take a look at this for more details:

  • If the "sticky" option is set to one (1), the acknowledgement will remain until the host returns to an UP state. Otherwise the acknowledgement will automatically be removed when the host changes state.

  • If the "persistent" option is set to one (1), the comment associated with the acknowledgement will survive across restarts of the Nagios process. If not, the comment will be deleted the next time Nagios restarts.

Solution 3

The "sticky" here means a "sticky acknowledgement" = there will be no further alarms until this issue has been resolved. In other words, the fact that you've acknowledged it will stick to the fault even if the same fault keeps generating alarms. (Of course, this lasts until the current problem has been resolved and the issue stops generating alarms - the next time that it fails, it will again generate alarms.)


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N. Lam
Author by

N. Lam

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • N. Lam
    N. Lam almost 2 years

    I was hoping that someone may be able to assist with this issue that I can't seem to figure out (with the little knowledge that I do have). I am trying to get my logo to center in the header section of my website and the attached image is the best I can do so far example.

    I have adjusted the columns to the html below:

    enter code here
    <div class="container">
    <div class="sixteen columns">
    <div class="three columns nav mobile_hidden">
    <ul class="menu left">
    {% if section.settings.search_enabled %}
    <li class="search">
    <a href="/search" title="{{ 'general.search.title' | t }}" 
    id="search-toggle"><span class="icon-search"></span></a>
    {% endif %}
    <div class="seven columns centered-logo logo {% if 
    section.settings.logo_home != nil %}secondary-logo--true{% endif %}">
    <a href="{{ shop.url }}" title="{{ shop.name }}">
    {% if section.settings.logo != nil or section.settings.logo_home 
    != nil %}
    {% if section.settings.logo != nil %}
    <img src="{{ section.settings.logo | img_url: '205x', scale: 2  
    }}" alt="{{ shop.name }}" class="primary_logo" />
    {% endif %}
    {% if section.settings.logo_home != nil %}
    <img src="{{ section.settings.logo_home | img_url: '205x', 
    scale: 2 }}" alt="{{ shop.name }}" class="{% if section.settings.logo != 
    nil %}secondary_logo{% else %}primary_logo{% endif %}" />
    {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {{ shop.name }}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="five columns menu right">
    <div class="nav mobile_hidden">
    <ul class="menu right">
    {% if settings.show_multiple_currencies %}
    <li class="currencies">
    {% include 'currencies-switcher' %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if shop.customer_accounts_enabled %}
    <li class="header-account">
    <a href="/account" title="{{ 'layout.customer.my_account' | t 
    }} {% if customer %}({{ customer.email }}){% endif %}">{% if customer %}{{ 
    'layout.customer.my_account' | t }}{% else %}{{ 'layout.customer.log_in' | 
    t }}{% endif %}</a>
    {% endif %}
    <li class="cart">
    <a href="#cart" class="icon-cart cart-button"><svg 
    class="cart_svg" height="200" width="200" fill="#ddd" 
    xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" 
    viewBox="0 0 100 100" enable-background="new 0 0 100 100" 
    xml:space="preserve"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" 
    d="M85.454,32.397H68.242v-8.749c0-11.2-9.38-21.649-20.51-21.649  c- 
    17.21L2.265,96.562h94.663L85.454,32.397z M33.819,23.649  c0-8.596,5.371- 
    M16.609,38.231h11.474v2.926  c-1.55,0.999-2.583,2.75- 
    5.629c0-2.09-1.127-3.91-2.797-4.881  v-2.792h28.687v3.909c-0.889,0.998- 
    2.522,5.557-5.629  c0-2.539-1.661-4.685-3.943-5.386v- 
    cart.item_count }}</span></a>

    and the css looks like this:

    enter code here
    div.logo img.secondary_logo {
    display: none;
    .feature_image {
    .secondary-logo--true {
    .primary_logo {
    display: none;
    .secondary_logo {
    display: block;
    @include respond-to('medium'){
    img.primary_logo {
    display: block;
    img.secondary_logo {
    display: none;
    .sticky--active {
    .primary_logo {
    display: block;
    .secondary_logo {
    display: none;

    Any help would be must appreciated!

    • Nils
      Nils almost 11 years
      @quanta I updated my question with a screenshot.
    • Mtxz
      Mtxz almost 6 years
      Do you have any codepen ? You could try add this css on your logo: margin:auto; display:block; or inline-block;
    • N. Lam
      N. Lam almost 6 years
      Hey guys! I think i've figured it out! thank you so much for all of your inputs. Check it out: www.casualtofancy.com
  • Nils
    Nils almost 11 years
    But persistent will not survive the up-state either?
  • N. Lam
    N. Lam almost 6 years
    Hi, thanks so much for the quick response! I am so new to this. I added the example that you have provided and it's still not centering. Maybe i'm not adding it correctly.
  • N. Lam
    N. Lam almost 6 years
    Hi! I might be doing this wrong, but I've tried that and gives the same result.
  • Connor Finn McKelvey
    Connor Finn McKelvey almost 6 years
    It looks like you are using a CSS Pre/Post processor like Sass/Scss/Postcss. After making changes you must re-build. Are you doing that?
  • N. Lam
    N. Lam almost 6 years
    Hi! Ok, no luck. It seems to be positioned on left within the seven columns class. I'm just not sure how to move the position of that.
  • Nuno Bentes
    Nuno Bentes almost 6 years
    Are you floating the parent div? I mean the div that contains the logotype. if yes, give it width 100%.
  • WebDirection
    WebDirection almost 6 years
    It's ok but make sure you are set position:relative; into parent element of logo because absolute position not work properly with relative position Also you can set text-align:center; and display:inline-block; with same css