What is the best way to filter the contents of an arraylist?


Solution 1

You need a cast. The only thing the compiler knows about ArrayLists is that they contain objects. It doesn't know the types of the objects inside, so you have to tell it.

ArrayList subSetList = new ArrayList(CompleteList.Cast<USBDevice>()
                                                 .Where(d => d.VID == "10C4")

But this seems rather pointless. Why are you using the old ArrayList class and LINQ in the same project? You should try to start using the List<T> class in the System.Collections.Generic namespace instead, then your where expression will work without any casting, just as you want.

Solution 2

To go along with @Mark Byers' suggestion of using a List<T>, here is some example code:

List<USBDevice> CompleteList = new List<USBDevice>();
CompleteList.Add(new USBDevice(){VID = "10C4", Other = "x"});
CompleteList.Add(new USBDevice() { VID = "10C4", Other = "x" });

//..Fill CompleteList with all attached devices....

List<USBDevice> SubSetList = new List<USBDevice>();
SubSetList = CompleteList.Where(d => d.VID.Equals("10C4")).ToList();

Solution 3

Yes, you can use Where. But in order to do that you need to cast your ArrayList to USBDevice. This should work:

var subset = CompleteList.Cast<USBDevice>().Where(x =>d.VID = "10C4");

But if you're able to use Linq, why are u using ArrayLists? You should be using generic collections like List instead.

Edit: As Nick pointed out in the comment, using OfType() is recommended if your ArrayList may contain anything other than USBDevice objects.

Author by


Electrical Engineer, Software Developer, Tinkerer

Updated on June 12, 2022


  • PICyourBrain
    PICyourBrain about 2 years

    Say I have an ArrayList of USBDevice Objects. Each USBDevice has ProductID and VendorID properties (among others). I want to create another ArrayList that is a subset of the first that contains only USBDevice that match a specific VID. What is the shortest way of doing this? I haven't tried this yet but can lambda expressions be used like this...

    ArrayList CompleteList = new ArrayList();
    // Fill CompleteList with all attached devices....
    ArrayList SubSetList = CompleteList.Where(d => d.VID == "10C4")
  • Nick Gotch
    Nick Gotch over 14 years
    If he's using an ArrayList other types may be in the list. Using .OfType<USBDevice>() instead of .Cast<USBDevice>() would avoid exceptions for invalid types.
  • Mark Byers
    Mark Byers over 14 years
    @Nick: Exceptions are good - they let you know that you made an error rather than just carrying on like nothing is wrong.
  • Nick Gotch
    Nick Gotch over 14 years
    @Mark: True but it depends on why he's using an ArrayList. If it's to hold all kinds of "Devices" that don't inherit from a common type this would safely filter out what he's not looking for.