What is the best way to pass a stream around


Solution 1

Option 2_2 is the standard way of dealing with disposable resources.

Your SomeTestClass instance asks the producer for a stream - then SomeTestClass owns a stream and is responsible for cleaning up.

Options 3 and 2_1 rely on a different object to clean up the resource owned by SomeTestClass - this expectation might not be met.

Option 1 is jut copying a stream's content to another stream - I don't see any benefits in doing that.

Solution 2

You may not realize it, but you are attempting to implement the pipeline design pattern. As a starting point, consider taking a look at:

With regards to your implementation, I recommend that you go with option #2:

public interface IStreamHandler
    void Process(Stream stream);

With regards to object lifetime, it is my belief that:

  • the implementation should be consistent in how it handles calling Dispose
  • your solution will be more flexible if IStreamHandler did not call Dispose (now you can chain handlers together much like you would in Unix pipes)


Building a pipeline solution can be fun, but it is also worth noting that there are existing products on the market:


There is a design issue related to your proposed Option 2:

void Process(Stream stream);

In Unix Pipes you can chain a number of applications together by taking the output of one program and make it the input of another. If you were to build a similar solution using Option 2, you will run into problems if you are using multiple handlers and your data Stream is forward only (i.e. stream.CanSeek=False).

Jakob Dyrby
Author by

Jakob Dyrby

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Jakob Dyrby
    Jakob Dyrby about 2 years

    I have tried to pass stream as an argument but I am not sure which way is "the best" so would like to hear your opinion / suggestions to my code sample

    I personally prefer Option 3, but I have never seen it done this way anywhere else.

    Option 1 is good for small streams (and streams with a known size)

    Option 2_1 and 2_2 would always leave the "Hander" in doubt of who has the responsibility for disposing / closing.

    public interface ISomeStreamHandler
        // Option 1
        void HandleStream(byte[] streamBytes);
        // Option 2
        void HandleStream(Stream stream);
        // Option 3
        void HandleStream(Func<Stream> openStream);
    public interface IStreamProducer
        Stream GetStream();
    public class SomeTestClass
        private readonly ISomeStreamHandler _streamHandler;
        private readonly IStreamProducer _streamProducer;
        public SomeTestClass(ISomeStreamHandler streamHandler, IStreamProducer streamProducer)
            _streamHandler = streamHandler;
            _streamProducer = streamProducer;
        public void DoOption1()
            var buffer = new byte[16 * 1024];
            using (var input = _streamProducer.GetStream())
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                    int read;
                    while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) 
                        ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
        public void DoOption2_1()
        public void DoOption2_2()
            using (var stream = _streamProducer.GetStream())
        public void DoOption3()
  • Jakob Dyrby
    Jakob Dyrby over 10 years
    Option 3 just uses "MemoryStream" as a means to be able to do convert the stream to a byte array. - So it is not a matter of parsing stream content to another stream.
  • Jakob Dyrby
    Jakob Dyrby over 10 years
    So to be clear; if you where asked to impliment "void HandleStream(Stream stream);" you would assume that your implementation had no responsibility to close / dispose the stream?
  • dcastro
    dcastro over 10 years
    @JakobDyrby - Still, Option 3 is reading from a Stream, writing to a MemoryStream, and converting to a byte[]. Why not just read from the Stream and use the buffer then?
  • dcastro
    dcastro over 10 years
    @JakobDyrby: Yes. If a disposable resource (not just a stream) is passed as an argument to my method, I wouldn't assume I should close it. In fact, I would say it's my responsibility not to close it. I don't know who's calling me, I don't know if whoever is calling me will need further access to that stream - so it's my obligation to leave it open.
  • dcastro
    dcastro over 10 years
    @JakobDyrby As a rule of thumb, the keyword is ownership. Whoever owns the IDisposable instance, is responsible for closing it.
  • Jakob Dyrby
    Jakob Dyrby over 10 years
    Thank you! I will read in to that design pattern. But for now; could you please elaborate on who you think has the responsibility to close dispose. Should I use the interface as shown in option 2_1 or in option 2_2?
  • Jakob Dyrby
    Jakob Dyrby over 10 years
    In my first comment I meant to say: "Option 1" and not "Option 3" of cause - sorry.
  • Jakob Dyrby
    Jakob Dyrby over 10 years
    Ok so in my case - who actually owns the IDisposable (stream). In other words what defines ownership?
  • Jakob Dyrby
    Jakob Dyrby over 10 years
    I don't want the "SomeTestClass" to own the stream - I just want the class to supply the means to access a stream. The "SomeTestClass" has no use for it. That's why I prefer Option 3. Why shouldn't that be totally fine?
  • Jakob Dyrby
    Jakob Dyrby over 10 years
  • Pressacco
    Pressacco over 10 years
    I would go with: DoOption2_2. More importantly: (1) be consistent with your implementation, and (2) ensure that all resources are release in the event that an exception is thrown unexpectedly.