what is the difference between internal and private


Solution 1

An internal method can be accessed from any type (or function) in the same .NET assembly.
A private method can be accessed only from the type where it was declared.

Here is a simple snippet that shows the difference:

type A() = 
  member internal x.Foo = 1

type B() = 
  member private x.Foo = 1

let a = A()
let b = B()
a.Foo // Works fine (we're in the same project)
b.Foo // Error FS0491: 'Foo' is not defined

Solution 2

internal is the same as public, except that it is only visible inside the assembly it is delcared in. Private is only visible inside the declaring type.

Frames Catherine White
Author by

Frames Catherine White

(aka oxinabox) she/her/hers. Research Software Engineer, Invenia Labs. PhD, in Natural Language Processing / Machine Learning. Writes a lot of JuliaLang code.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Frames Catherine White
    Frames Catherine White almost 2 years

    In F# what is the difference between an internal method and a private method.

    I have a feeling that they are implemented the same, but mean something different.