What is the fastest way to compare two sets in Java?


Solution 1


It really depends on what you want to do in the comparison logic... ie what happens if you find an element in one set not in the other? Your method has a void return type so I assume you'll do the necessary work in this method.

More fine-grained control if you need it:

if (!firstSet.containsAll(secondSet)) {
  // do something if needs be
if (!secondSet.containsAll(firstSet)) {
  // do something if needs be

If you need to get the elements that are in one set and not the other.
EDIT: set.removeAll(otherSet) returns a boolean, not a set. To use removeAll(), you'll have to copy the set then use it.

Set one = new HashSet<>(firstSet);
Set two = new HashSet<>(secondSet);

If the contents of one and two are both empty, then you know that the two sets were equal. If not, then you've got the elements that made the sets unequal.

You mentioned that the number of records might be high. If the underlying implementation is a HashSet then the fetching of each record is done in O(1) time, so you can't really get much better than that. TreeSet is O(log n).

Solution 2

If you simply want to know if the sets are equal, the equals method on AbstractSet is implemented roughly as below:

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this)
            return true;
        if (!(o instanceof Set))
            return false;
        Collection c = (Collection) o;
        if (c.size() != size())
            return false;
        return containsAll(c);

Note how it optimizes the common cases where:

  • the two objects are the same
  • the other object is not a set at all, and
  • the two sets' sizes are different.

After that, containsAll(...) will return false as soon as it finds an element in the other set that is not also in this set. But if all elements are present in both sets, it will need to test all of them.

The worst case performance therefore occurs when the two sets are equal but not the same objects. That cost is typically O(N) or O(NlogN) depending on the implementation of this.containsAll(c).

And you get close-to-worst case performance if the sets are large and only differ in a tiny percentage of the elements.


If you are willing to invest time in a custom set implementation, there is an approach that can improve the "almost the same" case.

The idea is that you need to pre-calculate and cache a hash for the entire set so that you could get the set's current hashcode value in O(1). Then you can compare the hashcode for the two sets as an acceleration.

How could you implement a hashcode like that? Well if the set hashcode was:

  • zero for an empty set, and
  • the XOR of all of the element hashcodes for a non-empty set,

then you could cheaply update the set's cached hashcode each time you added or removed an element. In both cases, you simply XOR the element's hashcode with the current set hashcode.

Of course, this assumes that element hashcodes are stable while the elements are members of sets. It also assumes that the element classes hashcode function gives a good spread. That is because when the two set hashcodes are the same you still have to fall back to the O(N) comparison of all elements.

You could take this idea a bit further ... at least in theory.

WARNING - This is highly speculative. A "thought experiment" if you like.

Suppose that your set element class has a method to return a crypto checksums for the element. Now implement the set's checksums by XORing the checksums returned for the elements.

What does this buy us?

Well, if we assume that nothing underhand is going on, the probability that any two unequal set elements have the same N-bit checksums is 2-N. And the probability 2 unequal sets have the same N-bit checksums is also 2-N. So my idea is that you can implement equals as:

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this)
            return true;
        if (!(o instanceof Set))
            return false;
        Collection c = (Collection) o;
        if (c.size() != size())
            return false;
        return checksums.equals(c.checksums);

Under the assumptions above, this will only give you the wrong answer once in 2-N time. If you make N large enough (e.g. 512 bits) the probability of a wrong answer becomes negligible (e.g. roughly 10-150).

The downside is that computing the crypto checksums for elements is very expensive, especially as the number of bits increases. So you really need an effective mechanism for memoizing the checksums. And that could be problematic.

And the other downside is that a non-zero probability of error may be unacceptable no matter how small the probability is. (But if that is the case ... how do you deal with the case where a cosmic ray flips a critical bit? Or if it simultaneously flips the same bit in two instances of a redundant system?)

Solution 3

There is a method in Guava Sets which can help here:

public static <E>  boolean equals(Set<? extends E> set1, Set<? extends E> set2){
return Sets.symmetricDifference(set1,set2).isEmpty();

Solution 4

There's an O(N) solution for very specific cases where:

  • the sets are both sorted
  • both sorted in the same order

The following code assumes that both sets are based on the records comparable. A similar method could be based on on a Comparator.

    public class SortedSetComparitor <Foo extends Comparable<Foo>> 
            implements Comparator<SortedSet<Foo>> {

        public int compare( SortedSet<Foo> arg0, SortedSet<Foo> arg1 ) {
            Iterator<Foo> otherRecords = arg1.iterator();
            for (Foo thisRecord : arg0) {
                // Shorter sets sort first.
                if (!otherRecords.hasNext()) return 1;
                int comparison = thisRecord.compareTo(otherRecords.next());
                if (comparison != 0) return comparison;
            // Shorter sets sort first
            if (otherRecords.hasNext()) return -1;
            else return 0;

Solution 5

You have the following solution from https://www.mkyong.com/java/java-how-to-compare-two-sets/

public static boolean equals(Set<?> set1, Set<?> set2){

    if(set1 == null || set2 ==null){
        return false;

    if(set1.size() != set2.size()){
        return false;

    return set1.containsAll(set2);

Or if you prefer to use a single return statement:

public static boolean equals(Set<?> set1, Set<?> set2){

  return set1 != null 
    && set2 != null 
    && set1.size() == set2.size() 
    && set1.containsAll(set2);

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I am a java developer

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Shekhar
    Shekhar almost 2 years

    I am trying to optimize a piece of code which compares elements of list.


    public void compare(Set<Record> firstSet, Set<Record> secondSet){
        for(Record firstRecord : firstSet){
            for(Record secondRecord : secondSet){
                // comparing logic

    Please take into account that the number of records in sets will be high.



    • josefx
      josefx almost 14 years
      It is not possible to optimize the loops without knowing (and modifying) the comparing logic. Could you show more of your code?
  • Vineet Reynolds
    Vineet Reynolds almost 14 years
    The implementation of equals() and hashcode() for the Record class is equally important, when invoking equals() on the Set.
  • Richard Corfield
    Richard Corfield over 11 years
    I'm not sure that the the removeAll() examples are correct. removeAll() returns a boolean, not another Set. The elements in secondSet are actually removed from firstSet and true is returned if a change has been made.
  • Michael Rusch
    Michael Rusch about 11 years
    The removeAll example still isn't right because you haven't made copies (Set one = firstSet; Set two = secondSet). I'd use the copy constructor.
  • Stephen C
    Stephen C almost 11 years
    Actually, the default implementation of equals is faster than two calls to containsAll in the worst case; see my answer.
  • Sahin Habesoglu
    Sahin Habesoglu about 9 years
    Or you can use array instead of a hashmap for the second list.
  • Sahin Habesoglu
    Sahin Habesoglu about 9 years
    And, this solution assumes that the sets are not sorted.
  • Bonton255
    Bonton255 about 7 years
    You need to do Set one = new HashSet(firstSet), otherwise the items from firstSet and secondSet will get removed.
  • Alex
    Alex over 6 years
    this is a complicated way to say set.equals(set2)
  • Esko Piirainen
    Esko Piirainen over 4 years
    It should be if (checksumsDoNotMatch(0)) return false; else return doHeavyComparisonToMakeSureTheSetsReallyMatch(o);
  • Stephen C
    Stephen C over 4 years
    Not necessarily. If the probability of two checksums matching for non-equal sets, is small enough I posit that you can skip the comparison. Do the math.
  • Chaithu Narayana
    Chaithu Narayana about 4 years
    Or maybe simply use the equals() method from AbstractSet (shipped with JDK) which is almost the same as the solution here except for the additional null checks. Java-11 Set Interface
  • Cloud Walker
    Cloud Walker over 2 years
    For the implementation, is there a specific reason that instanceof is used instead of getClass() and ==?
  • Stephen C
    Stephen C over 2 years
    Well instanceof Set means any Set. But getClass() == ... would test for a specific Set implementation class. The semantics are different.
  • Stephen C
    Stephen C over 2 years
    The javadoc for Set.equals says: "Returns true if the specified object is also a set, the two sets have the same size, and every member of the specified set is contained in this set (or equivalently, every member of this set is contained in the specified set). This definition ensures that the equals method works properly across different implementations of the set interface." So instanceof must be used to implement the specified behavior.