What is the recommended method to prepare Red Hat/CentOS 7 templates?


What we think of as the initial setup is actually in three parts. The first two are:

  • Initial setup, which asks you to accept the license and create a user
  • Firstboot, which asks you to configure kdump and (on RHEL) set up your subscription

Both of these are now enabled via systemd; once complete they disable themselves.

So, all you should have to do is remove any local user(s) created during the first Initial Setup process and re-enable these services:

systemctl enable initial-setup-graphical.service
systemctl enable firstboot-graphical.service
> /etc/sysconfig/firstboot

and reboot.

I'm not entirely sure about the third part, which asks you for your language and to create a user account or to to join the machine to a domain. This, at least, will continue coming back until you actually complete the wizard. (So don't do that.)

It still may be a good idea to clean-up host keys and any hardware specific configuration. (Mac addresses in udev rules and interface configuration files.)


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Aaron Copley
Author by

Aaron Copley

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Aaron Copley
    Aaron Copley almost 2 years

    If I need to deploy Red Hat 7 from template, I would like to take the recommended steps to make my "golden image" clean. It should boot to the first boot prompt and guide the user through the typical steps.

    In Red Hat 5/6, I followed the documentation provided by the vendor. However, I cannot find the equivalent for Red Hat 7. Specifically, touch /.unconfigured does not trigger the first boot setup.

    9.3.1. Sealing a Linux Virtual Machine for Deployment as a Template

    Generalize (seal) a Linux virtual machine before making it into a template. This prevents conflicts between virtual machines deployed from the template.

    Procedure 9.6. Sealing a Linux Virtual Machine

    Log in to the virtual machine. Flag the system for re-configuration by running the following command as root:

    1. # touch /.unconfigured
    2. Remove ssh host keys. Run:
      # rm -rf /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
    3. Set HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain in /etc/sysconfig/network
    4. Remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-*. Run:
      # rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/70-*
    5. Remove the HWADDR= and UUID= line from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*.
    6. Optionally delete all the logs from /var/log and build logs from /root.
    7. Shut down the virtual machine. Run:
      # poweroff

    Edit: Steps 1 & 7 can be combined by running sys-unconfig last. Or, have a look at virt-sysprep from libguestfs-tools-c which does much, much more.

     [user@hostname ~]$ virt-sysprep --list-operations
     abrt-data * Remove the crash data generated by ABRT
     bash-history * Remove the bash history in the guest
     blkid-tab * Remove blkid tab in the guest
     ca-certificates   Remove CA certificates in the guest
     crash-data * Remove the crash data generated by kexec-tools
     cron-spool * Remove user at-jobs and cron-jobs
     delete * Delete specified files or directories
     dhcp-client-state * Remove DHCP client leases
     dhcp-server-state * Remove DHCP server leases
     dovecot-data * Remove Dovecot (mail server) data
     firewall-rules   Remove the firewall rules
     firstboot * Add scripts to run once at next boot
     flag-reconfiguration   Flag the system for reconfiguration
     hostname * Change the hostname of the guest
     kerberos-data   Remove Kerberos data in the guest
     logfiles * Remove many log files from the guest
     lvm-uuids * Change LVM2 PV and VG UUIDs
     machine-id * Remove the local machine ID
     mail-spool * Remove email from the local mail spool directory
     net-hostname * Remove HOSTNAME in network interface configuration
     net-hwaddr * Remove HWADDR (hard-coded MAC address) configuration
     pacct-log * Remove the process accounting log files
     package-manager-cache * Remove package manager cache
     pam-data * Remove the PAM data in the guest
     password * Set root or user password
     puppet-data-log * Remove the data and log files of puppet
     random-seed * Generate random seed for guest
     rhn-systemid * Remove the RHN system ID
     rpm-db * Remove host-specific RPM database files
     samba-db-log * Remove the database and log files of Samba
     script * Run arbitrary scripts against the guest
     smolt-uuid * Remove the Smolt hardware UUID
     ssh-hostkeys * Remove the SSH host keys in the guest
     ssh-userdir * Remove ".ssh" directories in the guest
     sssd-db-log * Remove the database and log files of sssd
     tmp-files * Remove temporary files
     udev-persistent-net * Remove udev persistent net rules
     user-account   Remove the user accounts in the guest
     utmp * Remove the utmp file
     yum-uuid * Remove the yum UUID
    • Aaron Copley
      Aaron Copley almost 10 years
      Almost had it. Setting RUN_FIRSTBOOT=YES in /etc/sysconfig/firstboot got me the Kdump configuration part, but not the rest of the Firstboot process.
  • Aaron Copley
    Aaron Copley almost 10 years
    Figured it out... You can't have any users other than 'root'. I had been using the user created the first time through the Initial Setup process. Logged in as root, userdel'd the user and rebooted -- Initial Setup worked.
  • Michael Hampton
    Michael Hampton almost 10 years
    Ah, I never create local users because I'm generally joining a domain. Figures.