what is the right data type for unique key in postgresql DB?


Solution 1

Use the serial type for automatically incrementing unique ids.

If you plan to have more than two billion entries, use bigserial. serial is the PostgresSQL equivalent of MySQL's AUTO_INCREMENT.

PostgresSQL Documentation: Numeric Types

Solution 2

bigint (or bigserial if you need auto-incrementing keys) is just fine.

If know for certain that you are not going to load too many rows, you might consider integer (or a regular serial) and potentially save some harddisk space.

Solution 3

According to this answer the current recommended approach to doing auto-increment unique IDs is to use the generated as identity syntax instead of serial.

Here's an example:

-- the old way
create table t1 (id serial primary key);

-- the new way
create table t2 (id integer primary key generated always as identity);
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Updated on January 02, 2022


  • socksocket
    socksocket over 2 years

    which data type should I choose for a unique key (id of a user for example) in postgresql database's table?
    does bigint is the one?


  • Rodrigo
    Rodrigo almost 9 years
    ... and probably some processing power too, at least in 32-bits systems.
  • Peter Knego
    Peter Knego over 3 years
    I'd recommend against it: if you use serial and expose this ID to public via API, then you just made life easy for anyone trying to scrape data from your site.
  • jave.web
    jave.web about 3 years
    If you plan to have a lot of data there or you may have - use the largest type available. It does happen on real systems/apps sometimes that basic int is exhausted