What is the right way to make a synchronous MongoDB query in Node.js?


Solution 1

There's no way to make this synchronous w/o some sort of terrible hack. The right way is to have getAThing accept a callback function as a parameter and then call that function once thing is available.

function getAThing(callback)
    var db = new mongo.Db("mydatabase", server, {});

    db.open(function(err, db)
        db.authenticate("myuser", "mypassword", function(err, success)
            if (success)
                db.collection("Things", function(err, collection)
                    collection.findOne({ name : "bob"}, function(err, thing)
                        callback(err, thing);

Node 7.6+ Update

async/await now provides a way of coding in a synchronous style when using asynchronous APIs that return promises (like the native MongoDB driver does).

Using this approach, the above method can be written as:

async function getAThing() {
    let db = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://server/mydatabase');
    if (await db.authenticate("myuser", "mypassword")) {
        let thing = await db.collection("Things").findOne({ name: "bob" });
        await db.close();
        return thing;

Which you can then call from another async function as let thing = await getAThing();.

However, it's worth noting that MongoClient provides a connection pool, so you shouldn't be opening and closing it within this method. Instead, call MongoClient.connect during your app startup and then simplify your method to:

async function getAThing() {
    return db.collection("Things").findOne({ name: "bob" });

Note that we don't call await within the method, instead directly returning the promise that's returned by findOne.

Solution 2

ES 6 (Node 8+)

You can utilize async/await

await operator pauses the execution of asynchronous function until the Promise is resolved and returns the value.

This way your code will work in synchronous way:

const query = MySchema.findOne({ name: /tester/gi });
const userData = await query.exec();

Older Solution - June 2013 ;)

Now the Mongo Sync is available, this is the right way to make a synchronous MongoDB query in Node.js.

I am using this for the same. You can just write sync method like below:

var Server = require("mongo-sync").Server;
var server = new Server('');
var result = server.db("testdb").getCollection("testCollection").find().toArray();

Note: Its dependent on the node-fiber and some issues are there with it on windows 8.

Happy coding :)

Solution 3

While it's not strictly synchronous, a pattern I've repeatedly adopted and found very useful is to use co and promisify yield on asynchronous functions. For mongo, you could rewrite the above:

var query = co( function* () {

    var db = new mongo.Db("mydatabase", server, {});
    db = promisify.object( db );
    db = yield db.open();

    yield db.authenticate("myuser", "mypassword");

    var collection = yield db.collection("Things");
    return yield collection.findOne( { name : "bob"} );


query.then( result => {

} ).catch( err => {

} );

This means:

  1. You can write "synchronous"-like code with any asynchronous library
  2. Errors are thrown from the callbacks, meaning you don't need the success check
  3. You can pass the result as a promise to any other piece of code
Mike Pateras
Author by

Mike Pateras

Young developer, interested in gaming and game development, along with many other things.

Updated on November 27, 2020


  • Mike Pateras
    Mike Pateras over 3 years

    I'm using the Node.JS driver for MongoDB, and I'd like to perform a synchronous query, like such:

    function getAThing()
        var db = new mongo.Db("mydatabase", server, {});
        db.open(function(err, db)
            db.authenticate("myuser", "mypassword", function(err, success)
                if (success)
                    db.collection("Things", function(err, collection)
                        collection.findOne({ name : "bob"}, function(err, thing)
                            return thing;

    The problem is, db.open is an asychronous call (it doesn't block), so the getAThing returns "undefined" and I want it to return the results of the query. I'm sure I could some sort of blocking mechanism, but I'd like to know the right way to do something like this.

  • Logan
    Logan over 11 years
    Thanks Johnny for this workaround! I wish there was a simple way out of the box... it is frustrating even to write a simple if_exists() function... Btw, if anybody knows an easier way, or an update from the driver, please post it here.
  • ElHacker
    ElHacker over 11 years
    You can always use an async library, to avoid the identation of "doom" github.com/caolan/async That will make the code more readable and nice.
  • jcollum
    jcollum almost 11 years
    I coded a 5 line script with mongo-sync and it failed, even though it matched their test code nearly perfectly. It seems to have bugs.
  • Amol M Kulkarni
    Amol M Kulkarni almost 11 years
    @jcollum : Can you please describe the exact issue you had? because its working for me with no major issues.. If you are sure its a bug in module you can raise a new issue on Repo
  • jcollum
    jcollum almost 11 years
    I submitted a bug. Apparently you have to delete the fibers modules from node_modules in the mongo-sync lib. Looks like a packaging problem.
  • Esailija
    Esailija about 10 years
    If it's dependent on node-fiber then it's not synchronous
  • PeterT
    PeterT about 9 years
    @Logan I wouldn't call it a "workaround", that is how node is designed to work.
  • Rishitha Minol
    Rishitha Minol almost 6 years
    returned thing is a '[object Promise]'. How can we read data inside promise object? (without .then callback)
  • JohnnyHK
    JohnnyHK almost 6 years
    @RishithaMinol You can await the promise from within another async function: let thing = await getAThing();
  • user1063287
    user1063287 over 5 years
    I am trying to move away from the callback function model where it is easy to handle an error or success result, ie function(err, result) { if (err) { res.send(err) } else { // do things } - how do you handle/view an error that comes back from let thing = await db.collection.findOne(query)?
  • JohnnyHK
    JohnnyHK over 5 years
    @user1063287 With await you have to use try/catch blocks for error handling.
  • user1063287
    user1063287 over 5 years
    @JohnnyHK - like this? try { var bob = await getAThing() } catch(err) { console.log("mongodb query error is here: " + err ) }
  • JohnnyHK
    JohnnyHK over 5 years
    @user1063287 Yes. See here for more examples.
  • Atul
    Atul about 2 years
    Unstable package. mongo-sync gives assertion failure at the time of initialization only.