Where can I download the Django documentation?


Solution 1

Django's documentation is built using Sphinx and included in their source tree.

From a checked-out copy of Django's source, just run make in the docs directory. You can find instructions for getting the source here: http://www.djangoproject.com/download/

Solution 2

Offline Documentation for Django 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 in various formats:


Solution 3

You can download offline documentation for Django 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 in both PDF and HTML from http://sramana.github.com/dod/.

Solution 4

In the bottom of right sidebar there are links to zipped HTML version, PDF version and ePub version.


Solution 5

"Okay, I just did it manually using sphinx-build. It was a pretty bad experience."

Hmm. I just tried and it was a pretty smooth experience (and I have never done this before). Here's the Linux recipe:

  1. "cd" to the directory where your Django 1.2.x download has been extracted (in my case "~/downloads/Django-1.2.1")
  2. cd docs
  3. make latex PAPER=a4
  4. cd _build/latex
  5. make all-pdf

And the end result is 1000 page tome of Django goodness!


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Ram Rachum
Author by

Ram Rachum

Israeli Python developer.

Updated on June 05, 2020


  • Ram Rachum
    Ram Rachum about 4 years

    Django's website seems good but for some reason I couldn't find where to download the documentation:


    (Yes, I need the docs for 1.1)

    Does anyone know?

  • Michael Greene
    Michael Greene over 14 years
    The Makefile is only there for convenience. If you have Sphinx installed, you can just invoke the sphinx-build executable directly where you would make. sphinx-build help will list the arguments, and you can look at the Makefile to see what Django would use: code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/docs/Makefile
  • Michael Greene
    Michael Greene over 14 years
    Also, you could always use Cygwin, but I assume that's not what you want to do ;)
  • Ram Rachum
    Ram Rachum over 14 years
    Okay, I just did it manually using sphinx-build. It was a pretty bad experience. (I had to figure out how the makefile works, and there appears to have been a small error there that I managed to fix.) I just want to say that I don't think it's very Pythonic that you have to go through all this just to have an offline copy of the documentation. I hope that someone will make a better solution.
  • Michael Greene
    Michael Greene over 14 years
    Sphinx does have the ability to export PDFs, etc. I don't know if it's ever been proposed that the Django website host these artifacts, but if that's a need of yours maybe you should.
  • Ram Rachum
    Ram Rachum almost 14 years
    A "pretty smooth experience" would be to click a "download documentation" link on Django's website.
  • gamesbook
    gamesbook almost 14 years
    Agreed. Why not post this as a request to the mailing list or on the tracking system?
  • toast38coza
    toast38coza over 13 years
    If you google: "django 1.2 documentation filetype:pdf" (that's how I found this thread :)) you're pretty likely to find something out there on the internet (though I found i did need to look around a little). here's 1.2: pub.xupisco.net/django_docs-1.2.pdf
  • Gnudiff
    Gnudiff about 13 years
    Note that for django 1.3 default "make html" fails on Windows as the Makefile appears to not specify the sourcedir for docs; you can use "sphinx-build . _build" to make the default documentation.
  • alanjds
    alanjds over 11 years
    There is a direct link on the docs.djangoproject.com sidebar the last time I looked at it! (and a kindly mark of "provided by Read The Docs")
  • mike rodent
    mike rodent over 6 years
    Cygwin default install doesn't currently include "make"... yes you can add it, but if it involves installing the whole of the C language this will seriously bloat your Cygwin files (e.g. by 1+ GB)... seems a bit mad just to create documentation. This said, it's a shame: I always like to generate my offline docs from the source if possible. On Windoze I'd recommend maciek's solution.
  • run_the_race
    run_the_race over 2 years
    I just could not find it on django's site, thanks so much! The readthedocs version I found online was one giant 16MB html file that took ages to load, this version is perfect!
  • run_the_race
    run_the_race over 2 years
    See @maciek's answer for easily just downloading it.
  • run_the_race
    run_the_race over 2 years
    This version is horrible, a 16MB html file that takes ages to load. @maciek answer downloads a much better (original) (not computer parsed and regenerated version).
  • run_the_race
    run_the_race over 2 years
    The link is 404