Where can I find an implementation of javax.validation.*?


Take a look at Hibernate Validator 4, it's an implementation of JSR 303 and uses javax.validation too.

Some examples:-


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Riley Lark
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Riley Lark

Using GWT + GAE to make ActiveGrade. BS in Computer Science and Math, worked as an SDE at Microsoft, programmed for the University of Maryland for 3 years, and taught math and science at Scattergood Friends School from 2005-2010. I was the director of Shiloh Quaker Camp in Charlottesville, VA for three summers, and now I run a startup software shop making ActiveGrade! Email: riley at activegrade.com Twitter: rileylark

Updated on May 20, 2022


  • Riley Lark
    Riley Lark about 2 years

    I've just included a new library in my project and it's dependent on some classes in javax.validation - which I can't find an implementation of. Is there a free implementation available that can be licensed for commercial, closed-source use?

  • Riley Lark
    Riley Lark over 13 years
    I downloaded hibernate-validator-4.0.2.GA.jar and included it in my build path, but my application still complains of the same missing class definition. Pardon my ignorance, but how do I specify this jar file as an implementation of the necessary javax.validation classes? I'm not using maven - just eclipse - and I don't understand the directions on the site to which you linked. Sorry!
  • limc
    limc over 13 years
    May I know what class defs are missing? You should be able to just drop it in and use it. What library are you using?
  • Riley Lark
    Riley Lark over 13 years
    I'm missing (at least) javax.validation.ValidationException. I'm using the JDK 1.6.0 that ships with Mac OS X, and google's appengine sdk (1.4).
  • limc
    limc over 13 years
    Well, I downloaded 4.1.0.Final from sourceforge.net/projects/hibernate/files/hibernate-validator and that missing class def is located in validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar. Pull this jar into your build path and you will be all set.
  • Riley Lark
    Riley Lark over 13 years
    Sorry, this turned out to be a gwt-specific problem, resolved by including gwt-servlet-deps.jar in the WEB-INF/lib directory. See groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/browse_thread/thr‌​ead/… Thanks for your help limc