Which is the best GUI designer for GTK apps?


Solution 1

The last time I tried to use Gazpacho -- admittedly, a few months ago, so it might have improved -- it was nearly unusable. Constant crashes[1], couldn't set some important widget attributes, and to top it off, its final output couldn't be loaded. I ended up just using Glade, saving to a .glade file, and converting to GtkBuilder manually. I've heard that Glade's GtkBuilder output is better in recent versions, so you might be able to skip the second and third steps.

If you decide on Glade, make sure to use Glade 3 -- it's much, much better than the older version.

[1] Yes, I know it's written in Python. No, I can't figure out how they managed to pull off such an unstable Python app.

Solution 2

Ive always used Glade, nice XML output. Though I haven't done a lot recently so perhaps there's something better now.

Author by


I've been building software in Go for the past few years.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • quikchange
    quikchange about 2 years

    I want a visual GUI designer that will produce XML output in the format used by GtkBuilder. Glade seems to be the most powerful, although Gazpacho is more lightweight. Stetic (included with MonoDevelop) seems to be good but I don't believe it supports GtkBuilder yet.

  • quikchange
    quikchange about 15 years
    Glade 3.6 seems to have GtkBuilder support and I've been using it with pretty good results, although it can't handle a couple of widgets (i.e. GtkComboBoxText and GtkComboBoxEntryText). I gave up on Gazpacho entirely because it doesn't handle labelled tabs in notebooks properly.
  • weberc2
    weberc2 over 10 years
    In 2013, Glade works seamlessly w/ GtkBuilder, if anyone is curious.
  • luizfls
    luizfls over 7 years
    As a newcomer to GTK+, and from reading this answer: Was Glade ever meant for something other than designing GTK+ interfaces?