which is the external firewall in my scenario below?


It appears that in this scenario firewall support is also needed in case of using NAT, and not just firewalls.

Test is your servers IP address is a public one, or if your ISP uses NAT. you can do this by browsing to a site like http://www.whatismyip.com/.

If the address is the same as the address you have on your server you probably don't need to enable firewall support. if they are different, supply the address you got from the site.

Note that your ISP may change your public IP address unless you specifically requested a permanent address.

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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • xport
    xport over 1 year

    I got a public IP from the ISP and no port is blocked by the ISP.

    My server running on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Web Edition Trial is connected directly to the ISP. In other words, I don't use a router between my server and the ISP.

    From IIS Manager, at the server level, I click FTP Firewall Support icon. It brings up the following

    enter image description here

    Based on my scenario above, my questions are

    1. Which is the external firewall ? Is it the Windows built-in firewall?
    2. What is the external IP address of Firewall ?
  • xport
    xport about 13 years
    @Ophir: My IP is a static public one and not behind a NAT.