Which .NET framework version will be included in Windows 7?


There are enough blog posts out there to know for sure that Visual Studio 2010 will be the development platform for .Net 4.0. Since Windows normally ships just before VS we can assume it will have 3.5 installed. Best part though is that the ship schedules have been hinted at having VS come out with-in the first few months of Windows shipping. .Net 4.0 will not be in the box, but will be available very shortly afterwords.

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My first computer (1983) was a Commodore VIC-20. I love my wife, my two kids & my job as developer. I'm a PC, but I own some Macs and iStuff too.

Updated on July 23, 2020


  • splattne
    splattne almost 4 years

    Does anybody know if Microsoft has already decided which version of the .NET framework will be shipped in Windows 7 next year (2009)? Will it .NET 3.5 (SP 1) or maybe 4.0?