Why can't I import opencv3 even though the package is installed?


Solution 1

Problem solved by using command pip uninstall opencv-python in the Command Prompt.

I have attempted several installations of opencv and I suppose one may have downloaded badly and Anaconda was attempting to read that one. I looked into the build of some of the other installations I attempted and some were for Python 2.7. Maybe that contributed to the error.

Thankfully, this worked. Now import cv2 works perfectly. No errors.

Solution 2

Ironically enough, the module is still called cv2 because it doesn't represent the version of opencv but the actual C++ API underneath which is, to be contrasted from the C API, named - cv2... So try with: import cv2

Solution 3

I used the same approach to install the package. However, I could not import the library using the name opencv3. I had to use cv2 which worked for me.

J. Doe
Author by

J. Doe

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • J. Doe
    J. Doe almost 2 years

    I currently am running Python 3.5 and using Spyder from Anaconda as my IDE. I am running this on a Windows machine.

    When I write import cv3 at the top of my code, it returns the error ImportError: No module named 'cv3'

    I attempted to install opencv3 again with the command conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/menpo opencv3 in the Command Prompt. It is apparently already installed because it returned

    Fetching package metabase...............
    Solving package specifications: .
    # All requested packages already installed.
    # packages in environment at C:\Users\Joey\Anaconda3:
    # opencv3       3.1.0       py35_0      https://conda.binstar.org/menpo

    Am I importing cv3 wrong? How do I fix this error?

    Update: Tried import cv3 instead of import cv2 but got the following error: ImportError: cannot import name 'cv2'. The wording on the two errors is different, so python must acknowledge there is opencv installed but it does not work for some reason. Any ideas?

  • J. Doe
    J. Doe almost 7 years
    When I tried import cv2 I got the error ImportError: cannot import name 'cv2'. Which is different wording from the other error, but still does not work for some reason.
  • zwer
    zwer almost 7 years
    Hmmm... then it appears that it was badly installed. Apart from bad compiling, I'm guessing it was installed in a subfolder of a subfolder cv2 as it commonly happens, try import cv2.cv2. If it doesn't solve it, try checking where in the site-packages of your Python env. it picks it from.