Why can't I launch notepad++ from the command line anymore?


Solution 1

Most likely the directory in which the Notepad++ executable resides is not in your system's PATH. For information about fixing this please see How to set the path in Windows 2000 / Windows XP.

Solution 2

In a windows terminal, you can launch notepad++ with the following:

start notepad++ <filename>

Note that the filename is optional.

Solution 3

If you are using gitbash or cygwin, you can create an alias

alias np='start notepad++'

And use

np myfile.txt

Solution 4

This is what I have done, in this way you dont have to type notepad++ Create np.bat file with this set of commands

@echo off
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %*

place np.bat file in c:\Windows

open the command prompt and type np or np myfile.txt and enter.

Author by


Updated on June 30, 2022


  • bflora2
    bflora2 almost 2 years

    I'm teaching myself some Django tonight using the local dev package at instantdjango.com

    I made it through half the tutorial, building a basic map with points on it, then closed out of the console for a bit. I just fired it back up and now when I try to use notepad++ to edit files, console tells me it doesn't recognize the command. What happened?

    When I as working through the first half, I was able to type: "notepad++ filename.ext" and I'd get a text editor that would pop up.

    Now when I type that, it doesn't recognize the command.

    How do I get back the ability to use the text editor and how did I lose it?

  • bflora2
    bflora2 over 14 years
    Does this explain why it was working the first time I started the Django dev environment but not the second?
  • Dimitrios Mistriotis
    Dimitrios Mistriotis over 13 years
    Is it possible to add a batch file wrapper in an another directory that resides within the %PATH% in order to keep the %PATH% as small as possible?
  • computingfreak
    computingfreak over 7 years
    works with git bash as well, just confirmed, thanks!