Why do I get permission denied when using mv although directory rights are correct?


Solution 1

I was using Windows Subsystem for Linux. I had the directory open in a different bash instance. Closing it let me move the directory.

Solution 2

Do note that, when in folder a, moving b to c, the folder permissions of a determine what you can do.

In this case, the permissions on . will be most important.

Observe that the permissions are more complex than simply rwx. Your music folder has an @ at the end, the . folder has a + at the end.

  • Use xattr -h to determine the complex permissions for the @ symbol.
  • Use getfacl to determine the ACL for the + symbol.

Solution 3

Seems like as if there was at least 1 file somewhere deep in that directory that didn't have right permissions.

So, what I did was:

sudo chown -R valmar ./Music
sudo chmod -R 755 ./Music

Now it works.

Solution 4

The problem here likely has to do with the Access Control List (ACL) of the Music folder. The ACL is a separate permission system to the regular POSIX ones that are normally listed by ls -l. Some other directories in the Home folder and elsewhere also have ACLs.

To see the ACLs within the home directory, use:

/bin/ls -le ~

You will likely see a rule like 0: group:everyone deny delete for the Music directory. As you noted you could override the problem with sudo. If you don't want to do that (or can't), you have other options, given that you're the owner of the file. You can strip off the offending entry from the Music directory's ACL, based on its index (0 in the example I gave above):

/bin/chmod -a# 0 Music

Or you can strip off all entries in the ACL:

/bin/chmod -N Music

Now you can move the directory around (subject to the regular POSIX permissions). If you want to put the ACL back after the move, you could use:

/bin/chmod +a "group:everyone deny delete" Music_tmp

And use /bin/ls -le again to confirm the ACL is as you want it. Check out the ACL examples in man chmod for more info. In particular, this intro is helpful:

Each file has one ACL, containing an ordered list of entries. Each entry refers to a user or group, and grants or denies a set of permissions. In cases where a user and a group exist with the same name, the user/group name can be prefixed with "user:" or "group:" in order to specify the type of name.

ACL Order

I don't think that man page explains the rules around ordering, but this page explains the order rules for ACLs clearly. In particular, an explicit deny rule will be applied before an explicit allow rule. So, as long as the group:everyone deny delete entry is in place, it's not possible to give your user permission to delete with an allow rule. This is because permission is denied to the everyone group, which includes you, and that rule will be applied first.

Solution 5

I had this problem when a set of programs was running in a directory I was trying to remove. In order to move the directory, I had to first kill all running programs from that directory.

In the following commands, be very careful about how you select the name of your program. I used the following commands, for reference:

ps aux | grep -i [NAME_OF_ANNOYING_PROGRAM] | grep -v grep
# make sure that you are only about to kill the programs you want to kill

ps aux | grep -i [NAME_OF_ANNOYING_PROGRAM] | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs kill -9
sudo mv /usr/local/[DIR_FOR_ANNOYING_PROGRAM] /usr/local/[DIR_FOR_ANNOYING_PROGRAM]2

The general procedure is:

  1. kill all programs running from the directory in question
  2. attempt to rename directory
  3. if that fails, force kill (kill -9 with a lot of caution) all programs from the directory
  4. attempt to rename directory
  5. if that fails, see if the program is running again, I.e. that it has been restarted by some daemon program running from a different directory
  6. force kill the daemon program that restarts the annoying program
  7. force kill the annoying program
  8. rename directory
  9. profit

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Timo Ernst
Author by

Timo Ernst

Coding Architect at Audi Business Innovation JavaScript Enthusiast YouTube Coding Tutor: http://www.timoernst.tv

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Timo Ernst
    Timo Ernst almost 2 years

    I get permission denied when trying to move folder Music via mv although directory owner is set to my user and user permissions are set to 7. What's going on?

    (I know that I could use sudo but I want to find out what's wrong. Something smells fishy here). Ps: I am on Mac OS X El Capitan.

    Terminal screenshot

    • Admin
      Admin over 4 years
      Anyone stumbling upon the same error, it might be because you're trying to mv a file which is open. Not the OP case though, just saying so it might help.
  • user1717828
    user1717828 over 8 years
    Do you have a resource that covers "complex permissions", as you call them?
  • Konerak
    Konerak over 8 years
    man xattr might be a good starting point.
  • user1717828
    user1717828 over 8 years
    nope, no manual entry. I was able to Google around to find another name for it: extended attributes, if anyone else wants to learn more.
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 8 years
    Or use ls -la@e. Most likely here, there was a deny delete ACLs that also prevents renaming.
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 8 years
    @user1717828, check the chmod man page on OS/X
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 8 years
    Whatever the problem was, giving execute permissions to music files should not be the solution.
  • Scott - Слава Україні
    Scott - Слава Україні over 8 years
    And it seems unlikely that an object in a directory could interfere with your ability to rename that directory.
  • HorusKol
    HorusKol over 8 years
    is it possible that chmod 755 removed the special '@' permissions on the Music folder?
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 8 years
    @HorusKol, or the chown. The OP's symptoms would match the directories having a deny delete ACLs, but at least on Yosemite, doing a chown or chmod 755 does not delete that ACL. You'd need chmod -a 'everyone deny delete' Music for that. It could be different in El Capitan.
  • Timo Ernst
    Timo Ernst over 8 years
    @HorusKol Nope, permissions look like this now: drwxr-xr-x@ 12 valmar staff 408 6 Okt 15:32 Music
  • Timo Ernst
    Timo Ernst over 8 years
    @StéphaneChazelas Using ls -la@e I found this: Could this be it? 0: group:everyone deny delete. If yes, how can I fix this? It seems default setting for standard folders on Mac OS like Documents, Dropbox or Desktop. Should I even mess with these attributes?
  • Stéphane Chazelas
    Stéphane Chazelas over 8 years
    @Timo, those ACLs do prevent deleting or renaming those directories. Presumably, they were put there for a reason, like some applications rely on them being there and would fail otherwise.
  • HorusKol
    HorusKol over 8 years
    Must be the additional x bits for group, etc...unix.stackexchange.com/questions/21251/…
  • Diti
    Diti over 5 years
    I don’t know why this was downvoted. The everyone deny delete ACL entry on macOS’ default home directories is the actual reason the directories can neither be moved nor deleted. (Also, do note the OS might re-create them anytime.)
  • WattsInABox
    WattsInABox over 5 years
    All I'm saying is I had that situation. Might be helpful to someone even though it wasn't helpful to the OP.
  • SpinUp
    SpinUp over 5 years
    It's possibly helpful for someone, certainly -- that's why I didn't downvote. But I think the intention of StackExchange is that the posted answers actually answer the question that was asked.
  • SpinUp
    SpinUp over 5 years
    Another potential issue, if you're meaning for this answer to be of general use to a novice: you don't provide any warnings about choosing your search terms very carefully in the first grep and checking it. Whatever you're putting in to that first grep will choose from the pool of all running programs and kill it with root privileges...
  • WattsInABox
    WattsInABox over 5 years
    @spinup truth be told I didn't see that he didn't want to use sudo so I thought I was answering the question asked. I can move to a new question if you think that's best.
  • WattsInABox
    WattsInABox over 5 years
    @spinup also I edited my answer to add caution
  • SpinUp
    SpinUp over 5 years
    Nice, @Watts, I think that's a big improvement
  • Dean Hiller
    Dean Hiller about 5 years
    this answer ROCKED!!! holy crap, these new ACL's are a HUGE PITA.
  • netawater
    netawater almost 4 years
    this stems from the NTFS limitation that prevents renaming directories which have a handle open to anything below
  • lolesque
    lolesque almost 3 years
    For me it was a file explorer with the tree view (on the left) still open on the directory.