Why do some Linux files have a 'd' suffix?


Solution 1

They are daemons (Computing) – as in "workers behind the curtain".

http   Daemon - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon
ospf   Daemon - Open Shortest Path First Daemon (89)
ppp    Daemon - Point-to-Point Protocol Daemon
syslog Daemon - Syslog Daemon
telnet Daemon - Telnet server Daemon
pptp   Daemon - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol Daemon
dhcp   Daemon - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Daemon

All depending on how you interpret the word they can definitively also be demons.

As Wikipedia and Take Our Word For It explains; the words is taken from Maxwell's daemon

Courtesy of Htkym Creative Commons

Maxwell's_demon.svg Htkym CC, Wikipedia

"an imaginary agent which helped sort molecules of different speeds and worked tirelessly in the background."

Else the usage of the word is somewhat in these lines:

daemon: spirit      (polytheistic context)
demon : evil spirit (monotheistic context)


And as pointed out by the good Mr. @Michael Kjörling, to emphasize: "Of course, just because the executable's name ends in d doesn't mean it is a daemon."

sed    Stream Editor
dd     Data Description 
chmod  Change file mode bits 
xxd    Hex Dump
find   Find

etc. are examples of frequently used tools ending in d. Then again that would not be an added suffix as in sedd.

ls /usr/bin/*d /bin/*d

Though; typically daemons have the letter d appended at the end.

telnet vs telnetd

Another writeup on the subject of *Nix Daemons.

Solution 2

They're daemons. Simple as that.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jx7
    Jx7 almost 2 years

    I observed some of the binary files and configuration filenames end with a d. What is reason for putting a d at the end of the file name?

    Like httpd, ospfd, pppd, syslogd, telnetd, pptpd, inetd, bootlogd and dhcpd.

  • user
    user about 11 years
    Of course, just because the executable's name ends in d doesn't mean it is a daemon. See ls /usr/bin/*d for examples.
  • Tobias Kienzler
    Tobias Kienzler about 11 years
    find - the daemon with fins...
  • goldilocks
    goldilocks about 11 years
    Also: Disk And Execution MONitor.
  • Bakuriu
    Bakuriu about 11 years
    Oh my God! I'd have never guessed that it was taken from Maxwell's daemon!
  • Kaz
    Kaz about 11 years
    ld - linker daemon; pwd - print whereabouts daemon; head - hold everything after (so many lines) daemon; find - flatten inscrutable nesting daemon.
  • Runium
    Runium about 11 years
    @TobiasKienzler: Ah. Always thought that was Linus Torvalds evil twin. Also a Fin.
  • Tobias Kienzler
    Tobias Kienzler about 11 years
    @Sukminder :-D That's what that daemonic dolphin wanted you to believe
  • Runium
    Runium about 11 years
    @TobiasKienzler: lol, This actually is starting to mold into some fine ideas for a good geek short story.
  • Tobias Kienzler
    Tobias Kienzler about 11 years
    Oh god, what have I done? Wait, what letter did that deity end with?!
  • Admin
    Admin about 11 years
    id - I daemon.
  • Simon Gates
    Simon Gates about 11 years
    Linguistically, daemons and demons are the same thing and renderings of the same word. ‘Dæmon’ is the Greek word for a minor deity. After christianity started using Greek, the word got repurposed to mean evil pagan deities, and then just lost all non-negative connotations and eventually got simplified to demon. It's still the same word in German, though: Dämon (Daemon).
  • Olivier Dulac
    Olivier Dulac about 11 years
    instead of "They're", i'd put "Most are" ;)
  • tink
    tink about 11 years
    Fair comment @OlivierDulac, but the ones he explicitly listed all actually are.