Why do we need extern "C"{ #include <foo.h> } in C++?


Solution 1

C and C++ are superficially similar, but each compiles into a very different set of code. When you include a header file with a C++ compiler, the compiler is expecting C++ code. If, however, it is a C header, then the compiler expects the data contained in the header file to be compiled to a certain format—the C++ 'ABI', or 'Application Binary Interface', so the linker chokes up. This is preferable to passing C++ data to a function expecting C data.

(To get into the really nitty-gritty, C++'s ABI generally 'mangles' the names of their functions/methods, so calling printf() without flagging the prototype as a C function, the C++ will actually generate code calling _Zprintf, plus extra crap at the end.)

So: use extern "C" {...} when including a c header—it's that simple. Otherwise, you'll have a mismatch in compiled code, and the linker will choke. For most headers, however, you won't even need the extern because most system C headers will already account for the fact that they might be included by C++ code and already extern "C" their code.

Solution 2

extern "C" determines how symbols in the generated object file should be named. If a function is declared without extern "C", the symbol name in the object file will use C++ name mangling. Here's an example.

Given test.C like so:

void foo() { }

Compiling and listing symbols in the object file gives:

$ g++ -c test.C
$ nm test.o
0000000000000000 T _Z3foov
                 U __gxx_personality_v0

The foo function is actually called "_Z3foov". This string contains type information for the return type and parameters, among other things. If you instead write test.C like this:

extern "C" {
    void foo() { }

Then compile and look at symbols:

$ g++ -c test.C
$ nm test.o
                 U __gxx_personality_v0
0000000000000000 T foo

You get C linkage. The name of the "foo" function in the object file is just "foo", and it doesn't have all the fancy type info that comes from name mangling.

You generally include a header within extern "C" {} if the code that goes with it was compiled with a C compiler but you're trying to call it from C++. When you do this, you're telling the compiler that all the declarations in the header will use C linkage. When you link your code, your .o files will contain references to "foo", not "_Z3fooblah", which hopefully matches whatever is in the library you're linking against.

Most modern libraries will put guards around such headers so that symbols are declared with the right linkage. e.g. in a lot of the standard headers you'll find:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

... declarations ...

#ifdef __cplusplus

This makes sure that when C++ code includes the header, the symbols in your object file match what's in the C library. You should only have to put extern "C" {} around your C header if it's old and doesn't have these guards already.

Solution 3

In C++, you can have different entities that share a name. For example here is a list of functions all named foo:

  • A::foo()
  • B::foo()
  • C::foo(int)
  • C::foo(std::string)

In order to differentiate between them all, the C++ compiler will create unique names for each in a process called name-mangling or decorating. C compilers do not do this. Furthermore, each C++ compiler may do this is a different way.

extern "C" tells the C++ compiler not to perform any name-mangling on the code within the braces. This allows you to call C functions from within C++.

Solution 4

It has to do with the way the different compilers perform name-mangling. A C++ compiler will mangle the name of a symbol exported from the header file in a completely different way than a C compiler would, so when you try to link, you would get a linker error saying there were missing symbols.

To resolve this, we tell the C++ compiler to run in "C" mode, so it performs name mangling in the same way the C compiler would. Having done so, the linker errors are fixed.

Solution 5

When should we use it?

When you are linking C libaries into C++ object files

What is happening at the compiler/linker level that requires us to use it?

C and C++ use different schemes for symbol naming. This tells the linker to use C's scheme when linking in the given library.

How in terms of compilation/linking does this solve the problems which require us to use it?

Using the C naming scheme allows you to reference C-style symbols. Otherwise the linker would try C++-style symbols which wouldn't work.

Author by


I'm a student/research assistant. My research areas are: Multi-agent Learning Plan Recognition Crowd Simulation

Updated on October 31, 2021


  • Landon
    Landon over 2 years

    Why do we need to use:

    extern "C" {
    #include <foo.h>


    • When should we use it?

    • What is happening at the compiler/linker level that requires us to use it?

    • How in terms of compilation/linking does this solve the problems which require us to use it?

  • Bulat M.
    Bulat M. over 7 years
    Could you please elaborate more on "most system C headers will already account for the fact that they might be included by C++ code and already extern their code."?
  • Calmarius
    Calmarius over 7 years
    @BulatM. They contain something like this: #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif So when included from a C++ file they are still treated as a C header.
  • Ciro Santilli OurBigBook.com
    Ciro Santilli OurBigBook.com almost 5 years
    Thanks for explaining the downvote, it all makes sense now.