Why do we still use power supplies on datacenter servers?


Solution 1

What'cha talking 'bout Willis? You can get 48V PSUs for most servers today.

Running 12V DC over medium/long distance suffers from Voltage Drop, whereas 120V AC doesn't have this problem¹. Big losses there. Run high voltage AC to the rack, convert it there.

The problem with 12V over long distance is you need higher amperage to transmit the same amount of power and higher amperage is less efficient and requires larger conductors.

The Open Compute Open Rack design uses 12V rails inside a rack to distribute power to components.

Also large UPSes don't turn 12V DC into 120V AC - they typically use 10 or 20 batteries hooked in series (and then parallel banks of those) to provide 120V or 240V DC and then invert that into AC.

So yes, we're there already for custom installations but there's a fair bit of an overhead to get going and commodity hardware generally doesn't support that.

Non sequitor: measuring is difficult.

1: I lie, it does, but less than DC.

Solution 2

It's not necessarily more efficient as you increase the I^2R losses. Reduce the voltage and you have to increase current in proportion but the resistive loss (not to mention the voltage drop) of power cables increases in proportion to the square of the current. Thus you need massive, thick cables too, using more copper.

Telcos use typically -48V so they still need power supplies in servers - inverters - to make the DC level conversion which is a conversion to AC then back again. The cables are much thicker.

So it's not necessarily a great idea to run everything on DC for efficiency.

Solution 3

Telcos have used DC in their central offices nearly exclusively, historically. In what seems to be a recurring pattern in computing, I'd argue that the IT industry moving to DC and, effectively, re-inventing the "wheel" that telcos already invented years ago is just par for the course.

The last few years have seen various articles talking about using DC power to make datacenters more efficient. I know that Facebook and Google (as referenced in that last link) are both big DC power users. I think it's just a matter of time before commodity hosting moves that direction, too.

Given the entrenched nature of AC power, though, it's going to take time.

Solution 4

As pointed out above, high current = high losses and thick cables.

Another prohibiting factor is that high current leads to a fire risk; remember that 100A is sufficient to perform arc-welding.

Solution 5

Basically the reason for using higher voltage AC is that we want to minimize power loss and make savings.

  1. P=UI, means power (W) is voltage (V) multiplied by current (A). You need some power for a HW. You have choice for the voltage, but the current will varies accordingly. This is true both for DC and AC. This leads to a first problem and its solution.

  2. Losses are proportional to current and resistance (U=RI). The more current, the more loss in the form of heat. So you need to favor higher voltage to minimize current and losses. But if you need 3 V for the HW and choose 100 V for the power supply, then you need to transform 100 V to 3 V at a point close to the HW input. This leads to a second problem and its solution.

  3. It is (actually it was) difficult to transform DC voltages, specially without too much losses. We need to use active and expensive switched-mode power supplies. In contrary it is easy to change AC voltages using a transformer (two simple static coils, using magnetic field).

  4. Conclusion based on previous choices: it is better to use higher voltage, which then must be AC to allow easy voltage conversion.

Engineers will compare cost electrical losses / failures and cost of voltage conversion for a specific problem, and then see which is cheaper. Add to this impact of failures, etc.

Today we start to see voltage converters for DC that are effective and less expensive. So best solutions may change in the future.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    Computers mainly need three voltages to work : +12V, +5V and +3,3V, all of them are DC.

    Why can't we just have a few (for redundancy) big power supply providing these three voltages to the entire datacenter, and servers directly using it ?

    That would be more efficient since converting power always has losses, it's more efficient to do it one single time than do it each time in each server's PSU. Also it'll be better for UPSes since they can use 12V batteries to directly power the entire 12V grid of the datacenter instead of transforming the 12V DC into 120/240 AC which is quite inefficient.

    • canadmos
      canadmos about 10 years
      So basically have one point of failure? :/
    • Admin
      Admin about 10 years
      @canadmos maybe not a single, there can be several PSUs, just not as many as one for each server.
    • V13
      V13 about 10 years
      I believe it's for the same reason one needs 5 different power adapters for 5 different devices at home and the same reason we don't have 5V or 12V supplies at home: Because we're not there yet.
    • Rob Moir
      Rob Moir about 10 years
      Have you seen a blade server chassis? That is an example of moving towards this kind of system, maybe.
    • ewwhite
      ewwhite about 10 years
      What is the point of this question? It's clearly not the way the majority of systems are designed for historical, cost and inertia reasons. This really isn't answerable in this form.
    • joeqwerty
      joeqwerty about 10 years
      I think @ewwhite hit the nail on the head. Q: Why aren't we there yet? A: Cost and inertia.
    • MSalters
      MSalters about 10 years
      As an engineer, the main question is why people run their AC at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. PSU's are so big because the frequency is so low. But in a DC environment behind UPS'es, you could pick any frequency. At 500 Hz, the PSU's would be smaller and more efficient. (Basically, your caps can be 10x smaller because each period now lasts 2 ms instead of 20 ms)
    • Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight
      Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight about 10 years
      Assuming we ever get an all DC solution, there's a good chance that 3.3v won't be part of it. The existence of molex-sata adapters has precluded any widespread use of 3.3v by disk drives; and the last major component on mobos that operated at 3.3v (legacy PCI) is increasingly unused on modern systems.
    • Admin
      Admin about 10 years
      This article focuses on use of on-site fuel cells in place of grid power but they explicitly mention the use of DC as one of the power-saving advantages of the concept so it would seem that you are right and coming.
    • MvG
      MvG about 10 years
      @MSalters: When I visited a vintage computer museum, I was told that some of the supercomputers exhibited there were running on 400Hz for that very reason. One Cray in particular, if I remember correctly. They had some motor-generator device centrally installed to do the frequency change for the whole center, and the inertia of its rotor also served as a short-term UPS. I guess radio emission from the power supply lines might be a problem these days, though.
    • Steve Townsend
      Steve Townsend about 10 years
      @MvG For the modern equivalent of that you can get interruptible power via a flywheel. There's some advantages to a flywheel, especially in areas subject to frequent brownouts/power drops. Switching over to batteries is REALLY HARD on the batteries but if a flywheel can sustain the load for a short interval you can drastically extend the battery life.
    • MadHatter
      MadHatter about 10 years
      MikeyB, that is properly brilliant. I had no idea - thank you for mentioning it!
  • user253751
    user253751 about 10 years
    A spanner has a much lower resistance than a human.
  • Ian Howson
    Ian Howson about 10 years
    "Volts jolt, but mills kill" is a bit misleading. Mills kill, but without enough volts, you'll never get a dangerous level of mills. Lick a 12V busbar and your tongue will sting, but you'll survive. Lick 240V, and you'll be in the hospital.
  • xcxc
    xcxc about 10 years
    Yes, you are right. Then there was the guy with nipple piercings who decided to test his internal resistance with an AVO... It doesn't even take 12V to kill when the conditions are right.
  • Bob
    Bob about 10 years
    On the topic of large currents, there's also the good ol' giant-flying-cable-of-death.
  • Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight
    Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight about 10 years
    Most simple (single socket, small number of disk drive, no discrete GPU - for compute) servers could be powered off a picoPSU (small board that plugs into an 24 pin ATX connector that takes 12V and produces a few amps of 3.3/5V power for misc components) like is used in a number of DIY minibox PCs. mini-box.com/DC-DC
  • Steve Townsend
    Steve Townsend about 10 years
    Mmmmm 9V batteries taste like sour candy. :D
  • xcxc
    xcxc about 10 years
    I concede it is not in keeping with rest of the answer, but wanted to highlight the dangers of high current low voltage. I know of the whole battery backup of an exchange getting taken out cos a spanner got dropped in a rack.
  • xcxc
    xcxc about 10 years
    @Michael. I was not suggesting that line/live AC voltage is run on busbars.
  • user
    user about 10 years
    @xcxc live voltage, not line voltage.
  • xcxc
    xcxc about 10 years
    Yes - exactly - live :o - line :|
  • user
    user about 10 years
    @xcxc 12 V is live voltage. So is 400 V. 120/240 V AC is what I'd call line voltage; I wouldn't call 12 V line voltage.
  • user
    user about 10 years
    The answer explicitly states "I'd rather work around proper 240V mains cabling than open bus bars carrying 300A at 12 V." My initial comment states in part "Who on Earth runs any sort of live voltage on open bus bars in a commodity server room!?". If that's not what you meant to write, you should edit your answer to clarify.
  • xcxc
    xcxc about 10 years
  • xcxc
    xcxc about 10 years
    edited to reflect the comments!
  • Jan Hudec
    Jan Hudec about 10 years
    A single battery is 1.5V (NiCd, NiMH) or 3.7V (LiIon, LiPol, LiPol has some other variants too), so it's more batteries than 10 for 120V.
  • Steve Townsend
    Steve Townsend about 10 years
    A single cell tends to have a low voltage of 1.5V or 3.7V but a battery is often multiple cells. What's in your car?
  • Jan Hudec
    Jan Hudec about 10 years
    True. But than all that's in a series would be simply a (single) battery. So the number is somewhat arbitrary.
  • Michael Martinez
    Michael Martinez about 10 years
    this dude knows what he's talking about
  • Liam
    Liam about 10 years
    Everything used (19th C) to run on DC (Edison's first power plant was DC). This involved building lots of tiny power plants everywhere because of voltage drop. AC was invented to prevent this issue. Off topic but it's basically the same issue you describe above.
  • Groo
    Groo about 10 years
    Just a clarification: voltage drop is not lower with 120AC supply because the voltage is AC, but because increasing the voltage through a transformer lowers the current (and vice versa). A theoretical 120 DC line would also have 10x lower voltage drop.
  • hookenz
    hookenz almost 10 years
    The comment about AC was invented to prevent voltage drop is plain wrong. There were 2 competing systems. DC & AC. AC has the ability to be stepped up/down with a transformer. It's not that simple with DC. But DC doesn't suffer from Skin Effect. So AC has losses that DC does not. That's why we have some cables that are DC. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_effect. Anyway, AC won out over DC.
  • Adrian Maire
    Adrian Maire over 4 years
    What about having a single/double power supply (12V) per rack? that would already allows cost reduction and better supply right?
  • Memes
    Memes about 2 years
    using higher voltage to transmit over long distance is double benefit. less voltage = more likely your load will accept it, but also less losses. example : 1200 W on 12V, 100A. let's assume you get a voltage drop of 2V with your cabling, that is 16.7% loss and hopefully, your load accept to work on 10V. Now, at 120V, 10A, your voltage drop should be about 0.2V or 0.167% loss, your load is almost certain to work at 119.8V.