Why i am not able to create the round border for specific corner?


Solution 1

You'll have to do that, assuming you only want a rounded top left corner:

<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
      android:bottomLeftRadius="0dp" />

Explanation: Every corner must (initially) be provided a corner radius greater than 1, or else no corners are rounded. If you want specific corners to not be rounded, a work-around is to use android:radius to set a default corner radius greater than 1, but then override each and every corner with the values you really want, providing zero ("0dp") where you don't want rounded corners. [source]

As a consequence, you need to define your drawable as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      android:bottomRightRadius="0dp" />



From The Shape Drawable Resource Android Documentation:

android:radius Dimension. The radius for all corners, as a dimension value or dimension resource. This is overridden for each corner by the following attributes.

overridden is the keyword for your problemโ€ฆ

Solution 2

I am also facing the same problem. But for that I use layer-list. I post my answer here which may help you.
Please check output screen image 1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >
            <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#c1c1c1" />
            <solid android:color="#c1c1c1" />
            <corners android:radius="20dp"/>

   <item android:right="20dp"
            <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#c1c1c1" />
            <solid android:color="#c1c1c1" />


Solution 3

I'm using SDK tools 19, platform-tools 11 and running the app in Android 4.0.3. Using the following XML works for me:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 
    <solid android:color="#dd000000"/>
        android:bottom="7dp" />
        android:topRightRadius="0dp" />

The Eclipse warning is about not being able to show the preview. In het app it shows up correct.


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Shreyash Mahajan
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Shreyash Mahajan

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Shreyash Mahajan
    Shreyash Mahajan about 2 years

    In My android xml layout i am applying the border by using the borderframe.xml as a background.

    borderframe.xml file is looks like below:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Now, While there is a android:radius="10px" then it is works but while i am going to give round shape to specific corner only then it not works. There is no any erro message in log cat but i found error in eclipse like:

        The graphics preview in the layout editor may not be accurate:
    * Different corner sizes are not supported in Path.addRoundRect.

    Even if there is no padding in that xml file then also i am not able to see any border.

    Now, what should i have to do for it ? and whats the sollution of it if i want to create the rounded border for only topLeftcorner and bottomLeftCorner. ? Thanks.

  • Shreyash Mahajan
    Shreyash Mahajan over 12 years
    Ok Thanks. But if there is no padding define in shape then i am not able to see the border . . why ?
  • Shreyash Mahajan
    Shreyash Mahajan over 12 years
    If there is no padding in to that shape then i am not able to see the corner why ??
  • Shreyash Mahajan
    Shreyash Mahajan over 12 years
    please help me in this matter.
  • Renaud
    Renaud over 12 years
    have you tried to increase the padding values to a big value to see what happen (for example 10dp)?
  • Renaud
    Renaud over 12 years
    I think the padding is for the inner content but i must verify
  • Shreyash Mahajan
    Shreyash Mahajan over 12 years
    Yes I have try many. But without padding i am not able to create the rounded corner. And if i give padding the my view become bad. Is there any other alternate ??
  • Shreyash Mahajan
    Shreyash Mahajan over 12 years
    Actualy i have image at the leftTop corner and bottomleft corner of the layout. I think thats why i am not able to create the rounded shape there ? Is it right ?
  • Renaud
    Renaud over 12 years
    For sure ! Now you an try to clip your image using a ClipDrawable but I don't know if you can use rounded corners with this one. Anyway, please update your questionโ€ฆIt's too bad for the readers to read all those comments.
  • Noumenon
    Noumenon almost 11 years
    I don't understand why there are two code snippets in this answer. Are you rounding the corners in the drawable and in something else?
  • Renaud
    Renaud almost 11 years
    The first one is an example extracted from one of my project at that time. The second one is an adaptation to the original question's snippet. The corners are indeed rounded in the drawable, see the corners element. For the second snippet, we apply the 10 px radius to all the corners expected for topRightRadius and bottomRightRadius which are specifically set to 0dp. Is this clear?
  • Thuy Trinh
    Thuy Trinh about 10 years
    Aha. It still happens with Android Studio as of now.
  • Zar E Ahmer
    Zar E Ahmer about 8 years
    The corner radius should be 20dp instead of sp
  • Renaud
    Renaud about 8 years
    @Nepster The first snippet is an arbitrary fragment taken from a project of mine. I used sp there because I need the corner to depend on the font size (the shape is for a text headerโ€ฆ) Now, maybe you know betterโ€ฆ