why is mpeg4 encoder faster than libx264 using ffmpeg


I figured out that if you don't mind a larger file size, you can use -preset ultrafast and the speed will be similar to mpeg4 encoder for libx264 encoder


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Falah Abu Hassan
Author by

Falah Abu Hassan

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Falah Abu Hassan
    Falah Abu Hassan almost 2 years

    I have been padding mp4 videos so they can become of the size 1920x1080 instead of 1920x800. I used initially used mpeg4 encoder using ffmpeg, the encoding was quick but the size of the file was more than 5 times larger than the original.

    I decided to use libx264 encoder instead but the encoding process was much slower than the mpeg4 encoder although the size of the output was close to the original file.

    I use -q:v 0 for the best quality, and I am intending to encode using the best possible quality. Is there an encoder that would encode x264 as fast as mpeg4 encoder, or at least faster than libx264 encoder?