Why is npm throwing the error "checksum failed while installing @angular/cli"?


Solution 1

Local setup issues are tough to debug as there's a lot of trial and error, keeping a list of what you've tried and resulting outcomes.

This is an attempt at a list of suggestions. I suspect you've tried many of these, I hope this helps organize your efforts.

  1. Verify npm registry: npm get registry (expect: https://registry.npmjs.org/)
  2. Update npm to latest: npm install npm@latest -g
  3. Remove package-lock.json
  4. Uninstall npm completely before reinstalling, including npm and npm-cache directories: sudo npm uninstall npm -g
  5. Uninstall node completely (including npm again) and reinstalling

Along the way, I did come across similar github issues:

Hi @Rogasch I will suggest you to completely uninstall node and npm. Also delete npm and npm-cache folder. And reinstall using node-v6.11.2-x86.msi installer. 👍 3 ❤️ 1

i had the same issue and npm install -g npm fixed it for me

I got this problem when I got package-lock.json included in the commit. After removing package-lock.json I could run npm install without errors again.

Solution 2

I deleted the file package-lock.json and re-ran npm install.

Solution 3

it's a build problems on windows, try these steps:

npm install -g node-gyp

npm install --global windows-build-tools

npm install -g angular-cli

Solution 4

On our Ubuntu 18.04, we just needed to do the following:

npm install npm@latest -g
Author by


Full Stack Developer | Java, Spring, JavaScript, ReactJS Angular, NodeJS, react-native, Hibernate

Updated on July 24, 2022


  • snegi
    snegi almost 2 years

    I'm using node v6.11.5 and npm 3.10.10 and 64-bit OS, and while installing @angular/cli I'm getting the following error:

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>npm install -g @angular/cli
    npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.3.9600
    npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\
    node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "-g" "@angular/cli"
    npm ERR! node v6.11.5
    npm ERR! npm  v3.10.10
    npm ERR! shasum check failed for C:\Users\Shubham\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-6192-9e
    npm ERR! Expected: 28d403f0071121967f18ad665563255d54236ac3
    npm ERR! Actual:   c2b697120c7dc0e6728da0e7636b90e15723cc24
    npm ERR! From:     http://registry.npmjs.org/rxjs/-/rxjs-5.5.2.tgz
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
    npm ERR!     <https://github.com/npm/npm/issues>
    npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
    npm ERR!     C:\WINDOWS\system32\npm-debug.log

    I'm trying to solve this since last night, but each time this shasum check failed is all I'm getting. I tried the following things:

    1. I configured the npm registry to both http and https. Didn't worked.
    2. Checked the path OS path variables, and the directory where node is installed. Found nothing.
    3. Tried to clean npm and uninstalling and installing angular/cli. Didn't worked.
  • snegi
    snegi over 6 years
    The same error is thrown while installing modules that you've recommended. Windows is not a problem. Please let me know if you have other solutions.
  • snegi
    snegi over 6 years
    what does those packages mean anyway. e.g. node-gyp @FatehM.
  • Fateh Mohamed
    Fateh Mohamed over 6 years
    it's a Node.js native addon build tool github.com/nodejs/node-gyp
  • Fateh Mohamed
    Fateh Mohamed over 6 years
    ok try to clean "npm cache clean", may be you have a corrupt version , and then restart again
  • Adouani Riadh
    Adouani Riadh over 6 years
    Angular-cli needs python
  • snegi
    snegi over 6 years
    No I tried but it's not the cause. It's somewhere else.
  • Olivier Boissé
    Olivier Boissé over 4 years
    still don't understand why we can have a checksum error when the registry is the same ? I don't understand why npm install -g npm solve the problem ?
  • Olivier Boissé
    Olivier Boissé over 4 years
    it's not a good solution if you want to use the exact versions specified in the packakge-lock.json
  • BinaryPatrick
    BinaryPatrick over 3 years
    This answer resolved it for me. GIt never updated the package-lock. I thought this was a pipeline problem.
  • Leonardo Alves Machado
    Leonardo Alves Machado over 2 years
    Me neither. However, npm install -g npm did the trick for me!
  • Charles HETIER
    Charles HETIER over 2 years
    This answer pointed out to me the way npm was working with checksums. I am working on a local npm repo on which I have deleted a version package and replaced it by another package at same version (very bad practise by the way, but I judged it was relevant in my specific case). I just replaced the sha512 values in the package-lock.json file instead of deleting the whole package-lock.json file