Why is QtSPIM telling me "Label is defined for the second time"?


"spim: (parser) Label is defined for the second time on line 13 of file /home/jlr247/215_A2_work/jlr247-a2-A.s main: ^"

This can happen if you use the "Load File" command twice without reinitializing the simulator in between.

To avoid this, either use "Simulator" -> "Reinitialize Simulator" followed by "File" -> "Load File", or "File" -> "Reinitialize and Load File".

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Updated on June 05, 2022


  • MathFlakes
    MathFlakes almost 2 years

    I am brand new to learning MIPS assembly code, and we got our first coding assignment. I am getting an error when I run my program (which is supposed to be a tester for another function we have to write) saying

    "spim: (parser) Label is defined for the second time on line 13 of file /home/jlr247/215_A2_work/jlr247-a2-A.s main: ^"

    The code I have is:

    .align 4
    _arrA: .space 400
    _arrB: .space 400
    la $t0, _arrA       #load base address of array A
    la $t1, _arrB       #load base address of array B
    addi $t2, $zero, 0  #$t2 = i = 0
    FILL_LOOP:  #initializes all A[] values to 5, all B[] values to 10
    slti $t3, $t2, 100          #check i<100
    beq $t3, $zero, LOOP_DONE   #end loop when i=100
    sll $t3, $t3, 2             #multiply shift by 4
    add $t4, $t3, $t0           #$t4 = address of A[i]
    add $t5, $t3, $t1           #$t5 = address of B[i]
    addi $t6, $zero, 5
    sw $t6, 0($t4)              #A[i] = 5
    addi $t6, $zero, 10
    sw $t6, 0($t5)              #B[i] = 10
    li $v0, 1   #get ready to print test values for A[0], A[396]
    lw $a1, 0($t1)
    lw $a2, 396($t1)
    syscall     #should print 55
    li $v0, 1   #get ready to print test values for B[0], B[396]
    lw $a1, 0($t2)
    lw $a2, 396($t2)
    syscall     #should print 1010

    Any ideas? I'm sure it's something basic and obvious that I just haven't managed to learn yet. Thank you!