Why is the value of ErrorLevel not updating?


ERRORLEVEL doesn't update inside control blocks like IF statements unless you use !ERRORLEVEL! instead of %ERRORLEVEL% and use this command at the start of your code: setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION

see http://batcheero.blogspot.ca/2007/06/how-to-enabledelayedexpansion.html


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I'm a Networking Technologies, Information Systems Security student and a Computer Engineering Graduate.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • PsychoData
    PsychoData almost 2 years

    I am trying to write a subroutine in batch to determine if a computer has Deep freeze installed or is safely unfrozen. (For those who don't know, Deep Freeze is a program that is commonly used to revert/prevent and disk changes in an Operating System.) dfc.exe is a file that deep freeze installs that can be used to determine. It returns 0 if thawed, or 1 if frozen

    Basically, I was thinking that it's pointless to run scripts that install certain things if the computer is frozen. First I check for if dfc.exe is installed, then I attempt to check for thawed/frozen state but the problem IS that for some reason the return value of the dfc doesn't seem to update for where I check errorlevel the second time.

    Anyone know why I can't see the return value of the second ErrorLevel check (on line 41) I've included the code below as well.

    EDIT: Added Psuedocode for my thought process before the code.

    IF Dfc.exe is present then (
        If "dfc get /ISFROZEN" returns FROZEN then (
            Write out to file so we can know that something was skipped, 
            goto EOF to close out of script and avoid wasting cycles installing
    ::Deep freeze is installed, but thawed or it would have gotten caught in the "FROZEN" IF
    ::Fall through out of outer IF without running anything else
    GOTO (Return to where we left to check if we were wasting time with a label) 

    Code below here

    @ECHO Off
    ::CheckForDF here
    ECHO We will now test for DeepFreeze ether not installed or is thawed
    set flagfile=C:\testjava.txt
    ::Flagfile variable should already be defined before calling this function
    Goto :CheckForDF
    ECHO DeepFreeze wasn't installed or is currently thawed
    ECHO **Continue with the rest of the script** 
    WHERE dfc >nul 2>&1
    ::ErrorLEvel 0 means file was found, which means DF is installed
       dfc get /ISFROZEN
       ECHO %errorlevel%
       ::ErrorLevel 0 - THAWED and ready to install 
       ::ErrorLevel 1 - FROZEN and pointless to try
       IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 (
          ::Echo out what WOULD have been installed to a file so we could check that the
          ::   script still ran (and get an idea of how bad we need to unfreeze and log into each computer) 
          ECHO %flagfile% %date%%time% >> C:\BRCCIT\ScriptsSkippedByDeepFreeze.txt
          ECHO ****DeepFreeze is currently frozen****
          ::Else - DeepFreeze is thawed. return to normal script
          goto :EOF
       ::DeepFreeze is thawed, but is installed. We'll just fall through to the not installed result
    ::DeepFreeze Installation not found. Okay to return to normal script
    ECHO DeepFreeze is not installed
    goto :DFNotFrozen

    UPDATE: I gave up on the nested IFs and went back to GOTOs and Labels. It's not as pretty, but this code actually WORKS and in literally like ten minutes. I indented it to create the visual effect of the artificial "nesting"

    @ECHO Off
    ::CheckForDF here
    ECHO We will now test for DeepFreeze ether not installed or is thawed
    set flagfile=C:\testjava.txt
    ::Flagfile variable should already be defined before calling this function
    Goto :CheckForDF
    ECHO DeepFreeze wasn't installed or is currently thawed
    ECHO **Continue with the rest of the script** 
    WHERE dfc >nul 2>&1
    IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 Goto :DFInstalled
    ::ELSE - DF Not  found 
    GOTO :ReturnToScript
        ::DFC.exe get /ISFROZEN
        Call ExitWithSpecifiedCode.bat 1
        ::If Frozen
        IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 1 GOTO DFFrozen
        ::If Thawed
        IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 GOTO ReturnToScript
            ECHO %flagfile% %date%%time% >> C:\BRCCIT\ScriptsSkippedByDeepFreeze.txt
            ECHO ****DeepFreeze is currently frozen****
            ::Exit Script Execution
            goto :EOF
    ECHO ReturnToScript
    GOTO (Return to script execution)
    • Pablo Montilla
      Pablo Montilla over 9 years
      Try checking with 'errorlevel 1' instead of using de environment expansion.
    • PsychoData
      PsychoData over 9 years
      IF errorlevel 0 says The Syntax of the Command is Incorrect and crashes the script. Specifically I replaced the IF that checks whether a file was found between points Point1 and Point2. (I replaced the other one as well, but the script crashed before it got there)
    • Pablo Montilla
      Pablo Montilla over 9 years
      I think the syntax if errorlevel n passes when errorlevel is greater or equal to n. So if errorlevel 0 doesn't make sense, but for the part that does the checking if errorlevel 1 should work.
    • PsychoData
      PsychoData over 9 years
      @PabloMontilla ahh, a nuance that I missed. One moment.
    • PsychoData
      PsychoData over 9 years
      I think that it didn't like the errorlevel 0, I went back to the way I had been checking it. It looks like checkinmg the errorlevel that (your) way does weird things on the line. snag.gy/dpXHr.jpg
  • PsychoData
    PsychoData over 9 years
    So, your answer is great and all, but I think you're misunderstanding a little. I've added psuedocode to explain my general thought process without all the excess. Basically at Point2 I want to run the DFC command and Then at Point3 I need to run a couple commands. If it is not frozen, it would skip that IF and make it to P4. Nothing is executed here and it would finish the inner IF and make it to P5. At P5, we return to just after where we left in the first place.
  • PsychoData
    PsychoData over 9 years
    ...Am I nesting the IFs wrong or something?
  • PsychoData
    PsychoData over 9 years
    Upper/Lowercase errorlevel makes no difference. It is cleaner for me to fix it though, I won't bother editing that in the question though, just my copy. I usually kind of get everything working and then make it pretty.
  • PsychoData
    PsychoData over 9 years
    Reguarding the echo changing the errorlevel, I think that it stays whatever it was before. If you're talking about the line where I just display the errorlevel, I was having the same problem before and I just put it in there for troubleshooting. stackoverflow.com/questions/20770788/…
  • SadBunny
    SadBunny over 9 years
    Hmmz, seems I misunderstood indeed. So... Your problem is that the line "ECHO %errorlevel%" always returns 0 or always returns 1, even when it shouldn't? What does it always return?
  • SadBunny
    SadBunny over 9 years
    Tried it; echo doesn't seem to change errorlevel.
  • PsychoData
    PsychoData over 9 years
    My errorlevel always has to be zero when I enter the first IF and reach Point2, after that dfc.exe would execute and ,if the computer is frozen, errorlevel would change to 1 (as I understand things) but, no matter what, I never see that. I've even tried changing the line that calls dfc get /ISFROZEN to call a temporary bat file that would change errorlevel to something like 1231234 just to see if I would see it. still didn't