Why is this else: pass needed for processing to continue?


Solution 1

I'm going to answer my own question and eventually accept it. The seemingly odd behavior described was caused by an subtle indention problem, the possibility of which was first brought to my attention by user @delnan. Because it was invisible, initially I didn't think it could be the case, but eventually found it after more investigation. The details of which have been added to the end of my question.

Solution 2

You don't need it. I ran the following 2 scripts:

import os

source_dir = '.'
ext = '.txt'

for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(source_dir):
    if not any(os.path.splitext(fileName)[1].lower() == ext for fileName in fileList):
        print '  skipping "{}"'.format(dirName)
    else:  # why is this clause needed to continue this iteration of a loop?
        print 'contains   "{}"'.format(dirName)

    print 'processing "{}" which has "{}" files'.format(dirName, ext)


import os

source_dir = '.'
ext = '.txt'

for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(source_dir):
    if not any(os.path.splitext(fileName)[1].lower() == ext for fileName in fileList):
        print '  skipping "{}"'.format(dirName)
    #else:  # why is this clause needed to continue this iteration of a loop?
    #    print 'contains   "{}"'.format(dirName)
    #    pass

    print 'processing "{}" which has "{}" files'.format(dirName, ext)

I ran them as:

python test1.py > junk.log
python test2.py > junk.log2

Here's the first couple lines of junk.log:

test $ head junk.log
processing "." which has ".txt" files
  skipping "./new"
  skipping "./unum"
processing "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac" which has ".txt" files
  skipping "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/build"
  skipping "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/build/bdist.macosx-10.3-fat"
  skipping "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/build/lib"
  skipping "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/build/lib/tests"
  skipping "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/build/lib/unum"
  skipping "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/build/lib/unum/units

Notice the presence of "processing" lines.

Then I diff the output:

diff junk.log junk.log2

with the following results:

> contains   "."
> contains   "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac"
> contains   "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/docs"
> contains   "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/nose-1.2.1-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO"
> contains   "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/nose-1.2.1-py2.7.egg/nose"
> contains   "./unum/kiv-unum-409befe069ac/Unum.egg-info"

Note that there are no differences on the "processing" lines.

Author by


Most of my interest and expertise is in software written in Python and C/C++. I've been writing computer code most of my adult life, beginning my senior year in high school working at a part-time NASA job utilizing a CDC 7600 (generally regarded as the fastest supercomputer in the world at the time), punched cards, and FORTRAN IV, soon followed by a mixture of Applesoft BASIC and 6502 assembler on a 64K Apple II personal computer purchased while attending college in California. I currently live in the state of Washington in the USA, at the base of the western foothills of the Cascade mountains, near a small town named Enumclaw, which lies south of Seattle and east of Tacoma. NOTE: Please don't contact me via LinkedIn to ask to be added to my network.

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • martineau
    martineau almost 2 years

    Can someone explain why the else: pass shown below is needed in order for the rest of the code (the final print 'processing... statement) to be executed? Note the print in the else was put there just so I could tell that execution was indeed taking that path.

    It seems like that should happen whenever the continue isn't executed since code in the else does nothing. However, if I leave the else out, nothing further in the for loop appears to be executed when the condition is False -- when files with the extension do exist in the directory -- which doesn't make sense to me. The docs say continue "continues with the next cycle of the nearest enclosing loop", fine, but if one is not executed, shouldn't processing proceed to the next statement?

    import os
    source_dir = r'C:\Downloads'
    ext = '.mp3'
    for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(source_dir):
        if not any(os.path.splitext(fileName)[1].lower() == ext for fileName in fileList):
            print '  skipping "{}"'.format(dirName)
        else:  # why is this clause needed to continue this iteration of a loop?
            print 'contains   "{}"'.format(dirName)
        print 'processing "{}" which has "{}" files'.format(dirName, ext)

    Mystery Solved

    The seemingly strange behavior was due to an indentation problem which is not visible in the code above nor normally in my text editor. It turned out that the last print statement was indented by 3 spaces then a tab, which makes it appear to align with the else, but in fact it either follows the pass in the else if it's there, or follows the continue in the first part of the if. Obviously confusing me a great deal.

    Here's a screenshot of the code in my text editor with its "show space/tabs" option turned on. The red dots represent spaces and the red right guillemet (») represents a tab character:

    screenshot of file in my editor showing bad indentation