Why isn't my cronjob running?


Solution 1

  • Try using full path for php in cron config: /usr/bin/php
  • Check apache home directory: grep apache /etc/passwd As far as I know, user should always have home directory. It may reside not in /home.
  • Check syslog messages about security events. If this is PAM, you'll see something
  • Try disabling SELinux

Solution 2

A home directory must be set for the user. If the user doesn't have one, you can specify it directly in the cron.d-file.

You probably need to provide PATH=/usr/bin/ too, or specify full path for the command.

0 3 * * *         apache    /usr/bin/php /path/to/my/script.php

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Tom
    Tom almost 2 years

    I have a cronjob in /etc/cron.d/mycron that looks like this:

    0 3 * * * apache php /path/to/my/script.php

    In the same file there are other cronjobs begin run as root and other users (which work), but for some reason this job running as apache isn't running and isn't reporting anything in /var/log/messages or sending anything to the MAILTO address in the cron file. When I su apache and run the cronjob's command, it works fine, but cron doesn't like it.

    This is a long running problem for me and so far I have gathered the following possibilities:

    • The apache user doesn't have a home directory (the other cron users do), and crond doesn't like this.
    • There's some PAM or /etc/security/access.conf setting blocking apache using crond, although /etc/security/access.conf is completely commented out.
    • SELinux - this is usually the culprit when a problem seems really weird.

    Any ideas or experience with this problem and what the solution might be?


    • user9517
      user9517 almost 12 years
      What are the ownership and permissions on the file ?
    • Garrett
      Garrett almost 12 years
      Is the cron daemon running?
    • Tom
      Tom almost 12 years
      $ service crond status ... crond (pid 28490) is running.... Also, the file perms are 664, but since I can log in as apache myself and run the command manually this cannot be the issue.
    • Tom
      Tom almost 12 years
      There's no mention of the cronjob in /var/log/cron
  • Tom
    Tom almost 12 years
    For simplicity I removed the full path when I posted on here - but yes, the actual cronjob is 0 3 * * * apache /usr/local/bin/php -c /etc/php.ini /path/to/my/script.php
  • Tom
    Tom almost 12 years
    Found it. (CRON) ERROR chdir failed (/home/apache): No such file or directory. Cron users need a home dir.