Windows 10 Update stuck in Initializing Status - [Internal – Corpnet Required]


When having problems with Windows Update, here are a few possible actions:

  • Run PC Settings, Update & Security, Troubleshoot, and choose Windows Update

  • Run Microsoft's Windows Update Troubleshooter

  • sfc /scannow - check Windows integrity.

  • After resetting Windows Update as in the first point above, rename C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download as explained in this answer and reboot. If this doesn't help, redo again but rename instead C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution and reboot.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • kimbaudi
    kimbaudi almost 2 years


    I am trying to update one of my Windows 10 operating system, but it has been stuck in Initializing status.

    The update in question is: [Internal – Corpnet Required] 2018-08 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based Systems (KB4343909)

    windows update stuck

    I tried to search for [Internal – Corpnet Required], but there are no results. I'm not sure why Windows Update is stuck. The strange thing is, I was able to successfully install update (KB4343909) on my other Windows 10 machine.

    Does anybody know what [Internal – Corpnet Required] is? And why it would be causing my windows 10 update to be stuck in Initializing status?

    Here is the result of running winver:



    Running the Fresh Start utility seems to have fixed my issue with Windows Update.

    windows 10 update is fine now.

    Update 2: After running the Fresh Start utility, I reinstalled software on Windows 10 such as TeamViewer, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition and SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition. Afterwards, I am getting the same Windows 10 Update issue all over again.

    same problem again

    • DrMoishe Pippik
      DrMoishe Pippik almost 6 years
      Can the machine access the corporate network? Also, have you tried downloading KB4343909 from‌​/…
    • kimbaudi
      kimbaudi almost 6 years
      I'm not on a corporate network. It is my home network and the Windows 10 is running as a guest OS under VirtualBox. I have 2 additional Windows 10 running under VirtualBox that are able to update just fine. I will try to download KB4343909 and report back with my findings.
    • kimbaudi
      kimbaudi almost 6 years
      @DrMoishePippik - I ran the standalone windows update installer and it says `Security Update for Windows (KB343909) is already installed on this computer. However, Windows Update is still showing the updates as pending (same as above screenshot).
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound almost 6 years
      @kimbaudi - Have you performed a reboot?
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound almost 6 years
      winver will inidcate which build you are running which will indicated if you have KB4343909 installed or not.
    • kimbaudi
      kimbaudi almost 6 years
      @Ramhound - Yes, I rebooted many times and Windows Update screen looks the same as before. I believe I am on Windows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based systems. I'm not sure why my system is indicating that I have KB4343909 installed, but Windows Update is hanging in initializing phase to update KB4343909. The thing I really don't understand is Internal - Corpnet Required] since I'm not on a corporate network.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound almost 6 years
      @kimbaudi - Could you supply the information I requested in the body your question by editing it? 1803 is the version of Windows 10, I am looking for the build, and I am not looking for which edition of Windows 10 you are using
    • kimbaudi
      kimbaudi almost 6 years
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound almost 6 years
      I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the user ran the Fresh Install utility, which means their installation was wiped, which means this issue no longer exists and cannot be reproduced. Furthermore, the problem was solved by running the utility, so any solution suggested in an answer cannot be verified.
    • kimbaudi
      kimbaudi almost 6 years
      @fixer1234 - I updated my question because running Fresh Install did not resolve the issue. After I installed software such as VS 2017 Community and SQL Server 2017 Dev Edition, Windows Update problem persists.
    • Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style
      Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style almost 6 years
      kimbaudi - See various things in this post to try to resolve:… You might see if that helps and allows it to move forward but it not if you get to the step again and after completing the Ren c:\windows\winsxs\pending.xml pending.old then try installing the standalone installer again and see if it allows you to proceed after you perform that per the steps I outlined in that post.
    • kimbaudi
      kimbaudi almost 6 years
      @PimpJuiceIT - I followed Method 10 from the link you provided and it solved the Windows Update issue I was having. It was the same method that was suggested to me earlier today by harrymc. Thank you!
  • kimbaudi
    kimbaudi almost 6 years
    I already tried running Windows Update Troubleshooter by going to Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Update. However, it just resets the Windows Update and when I click 'Check for Update' button, it shows the same screenshot that I posted.
  • harrymc
    harrymc almost 6 years
    After resetting Windows Update, rename C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download as explained in this answer and reboot. If this doesn't help, reset again and execute again this procedure but rename instead C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution and reboot.
  • DuCorey
    DuCorey almost 6 years
    Running the troubleshooter in safe mode returns "Troubleshooting couldn't identify the problem".
  • DuCorey
    DuCorey almost 6 years
    Can you provide a link to the tool? I'm having this same issue and I just reinstalled windows less than 24 hours ago using MediaCreationTool1803 from
  • Brad GoBigOne
    Brad GoBigOne almost 6 years
    no worries at all, glad to help....
  • fixer1234
    fixer1234 almost 6 years
    It looks like there are some less traumatic fixes in other answers that may work in some cases. You aren't clear on what may have been ruled out on your system before MS recommended reinstalling. Also, the MS support people have a vested interest in solving your problem quickly rather than by the least destructive method. This information is good to know, but people may want to try other things first, and save the big hammer in case the others don't work.
  • Brad GoBigOne
    Brad GoBigOne almost 6 years
    Yes, thats true however sometimes "Less destructive" methods can often be less successful in the long run.
  • Ramhound
    Ramhound almost 6 years
    I seriously have doubts the only way to do this issue is a nuke your windows install. I have about 5 different solutions but the author wiped their system so none of them can be tested.
  • Brad GoBigOne
    Brad GoBigOne almost 6 years
    I still have a few systems experiencing the same error, before I go ahead and re-format with new W10 I am happy to run some checks if you like
  • Brad GoBigOne
    Brad GoBigOne almost 6 years
    Well here we go, reinstalled on first machine, performed first lot of updates, restarted, went to updates and there is the stupid Internal Corpnet error again (stalling on initializing), thanks Microsoft support lol
  • kimbaudi
    kimbaudi almost 6 years
    @BradGoBigOne - I can also confirm that Fresh Install did not fix the issue for me. Once I reinstalled software such as VS 2017 Community and SQL Server 2017 Dev Edition, I'm running into the same problem with Microsoft Update.
  • Brad GoBigOne
    Brad GoBigOne almost 6 years
    Just got off the phone with Microsoft, They used my newly created USB media and ran the setup.exe (within windows), then selected the option to install Windows (not the download and update option), apparantely its installing all updates, wow, looks like its not a lengthy task to install w10 on all of my new machines with this current version of W10 crated via the media creation tool
  • kimbaudi
    kimbaudi almost 6 years
    I ran into this issue again after running Fresh Install. So I ran sfc /scannow as admin user and there was no issue. So then I renamed C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download and Windows Update issue is resolved. Thank you!
  • Efstathios I.
    Efstathios I. almost 6 years
    This problem appeared to me last night while I was formating a computer at home. I remember that on step 3 while troubleshooter wizard was applying the fixes, it was displaying some progress messages. One of those messages was rebuilding updates database (it took about 4-5 minutes for the fixes to apply). I have 2 more windows 10 machines at home but none of them had this issue. It's really weird. The aforementioned steps was the solution in my case, so I wrote them down. The only thing I want to ask you, you were running the troubleshooter in Safe Mode with Networking ?
  • gReX
    gReX over 4 years