Windows Update Properties - Access Denied (as Administrator)


My problem was the the registry keys had been corrupted to set the startup to disabled, and the registry keys were set to READ ONLY. The 2 keys I had to fix were: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WaaSMedicSvc

Change ownership of the registry keys to be ADMINISTRATORS and then change permissions so SYSTEM has full control did the trick. how to do this:

After that, I was able to change the two services back to automatic start, and windows update began working again.


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Gennaro Arguzzi
Author by

Gennaro Arguzzi

I am an engineering student.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Gennaro Arguzzi
    Gennaro Arguzzi almost 2 years

    I'm trying to set the startup type to Automatic in Windows Update Properties of Windows 10, but the error "Access denied" appears. How can I fix it?

    I tryed also with the command "Net user administrator /active:yes" in the Prompt; the administrator modality is activated, but I get the same error when I try to do the forementioned action.

    enter image description here enter image description here

    Thank you in advance.

    • harrymc
      harrymc over 4 years
      What exactly are you doing and what is the error. Please edit your post to add the information. Screenshots might help.
    • Gennaro Arguzzi
      Gennaro Arguzzi over 4 years
      Hello @harrymc, I want to update windows, but it does not work. I edited my question by inserting a screenshot, but it is in italian.
    • harrymc
      harrymc over 4 years
      Why not go through Start > Settings > Windows Update settings*?
    • Gennaro Arguzzi
      Gennaro Arguzzi over 4 years
      See the other screenshot please.
    • harrymc
      harrymc over 4 years
      You meant the system service wuauserv
    • Gennaro Arguzzi
      Gennaro Arguzzi over 4 years
      Idk wuauserv; what is it?
    • harrymc
      harrymc over 4 years
      The Windows Update system service.
    • JW0914
      JW0914 over 4 years
      Just an FYI, Local Administrator account is not required and should remain inactive and disabled, as it's a security risk to have it enabled since it's SID is well known. I could be wrong, but wuauserv isn't meant to be Auto started, but trigger started manually. As @harrymc mentioned, Settings should be utilized to force an update, however if you're trying to force upgrade to a bi-annual update, it won't always show up even though all prereqs are installed - simply use Microsoft's link to force it, clicking on Update Now
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 4 years
      You will need to translate the text in the screenshot.
    • Gennaro Arguzzi
      Gennaro Arguzzi over 4 years
      Hello @JW0914 your commend fixes my problem; now windows update works. Thank you very much.
  • Greenonline
    Greenonline over 2 years
    Include the details from the link in your answer.
  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years
    You've made my day, thank you so much