Windows XP doesn’t shutdown


Open up a Command Prompt Window by Pressing Windows + R.

Type shutdown -s -t 0 -f.

Your computer shuts down!

(You could change 0 to the time in seconds after which you want Windows to shutdown)


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • neoDev
    neoDev almost 2 years

    I cannot shutdown my computer: when I normally press the buttons shutdown, restart, standby nothing happens.

    All the applications are actually closed and I've not done any particular thing with my computer today. Suddenly it doesn't want to respond to the shutdown buttons.

    What can I do?

    • Eric F
      Eric F over 9 years
      Does it shut down if you goto your start menu and select it that way?
    • LPChip
      LPChip over 9 years
      if you open a command prompt, and type shutdown -f -s -t 10 will it shutdown in 10 seconds? (-s = shutdown, -r = reboot, -f = force, -t = time in seconds)
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 9 years
      @neoDev - By saying "Yes, exactly" it indicates your computer does shutdown if you issue that command. Please clarify
    • LPChip
      LPChip over 9 years
      Okay, so if restarting the normal way doesn't work, it seems some program or service is preventing your pc from shutting down. If you have programs open and you issue a shutdown, will at least these programs close?
    • neoDev
      neoDev over 9 years
      @LPChip No programs opened, nothing. I dont understand why.. I've not done any particular thing with my computer today..
    • LPChip
      LPChip over 9 years
      Can you start an empty notepad, then issue a shutdown, and tell us if notepad was closed? This is crucial to know.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 9 years
      @neoDev - Using the proper terms is important. By "menu" you mean the start menu?
    • Eric F
      Eric F over 9 years
      Perhaps you could do a system restore or a windows repair since it is XP
    • LPChip
      LPChip over 9 years
      @EricF I was thinking of sfc /scannow first, but only if it indeed is his startmenu poweroptions failing, and not a program/service that is hanging. If it is a program, then usually a complete power off (including removing the power for 1 minute) is sufficient.
    • Eric F
      Eric F over 9 years
      I agree. That is a better option. I was just trying to think of a solution that will for sure fix it. neoDev definitely try what he says first and then what I said second :)
    • neoDev
      neoDev over 9 years
      I've also tried the prompt.. (shutdown -r) NOthing happens. Now have I to try sfc /scannow?
    • LPChip
      LPChip over 9 years
      In all this time, has your pc been shut down once? or is it possible an application is still hanging this time? If so, hold the powerbutton for 5 seconds first and make sure the pc is powered down completely. (not a restart, a full power down)
    • fixer1234
      fixer1234 about 9 years
      @neoDev: Thanks for closing the loop on this question. Being a Q&A site, the conventions are a little different from a forum. The format relies on questions being questions and answers being solutions. Embedding the solution in the question sort of messes with the system. Can you move the solution to an answer? Also, the site doesn't use [solved] in the title. Instead, click the checkmark to accept your own answer.
    • Piotr Kula
      Piotr Kula almost 9 years
      Same issue for me. I reinstalled and it started happening again. Windows XP Pro.
  • LPChip
    LPChip over 9 years
    Although this works, its not the solution to his problem, but a workaround.
  • Kunal Gupta
    Kunal Gupta over 9 years
    The question is " What can I do? "
  • Kunal Gupta
    Kunal Gupta over 9 years
    Shut down, not Power off directly, isn't it what he is asking for?
  • sean christe
    sean christe over 9 years
    Change the answer to put the command into a batch file, have him put the batch file in the start menu. Voila, one button shutdown.
  • neoDev
    neoDev over 9 years
    No power off. I mean "start -> menu -> buttons"
  • LPChip
    LPChip over 9 years
    @EBGreen and again, this is a workaround. A better one, but still a workaround. Force-closing to shutdown can have average effects on the long run, so its not recommended as permanent solution.
  • Kunal Gupta
    Kunal Gupta over 9 years
    Please edit your question appropriately :)
  • Kunal Gupta
    Kunal Gupta over 9 years
    What 'kind' of effects @LPChip ?
  • LPChip
    LPChip over 9 years
    He says the windows startmenu shutdown options don't work.
  • Eric F
    Eric F over 9 years
    My mistake. I thought he said it DID work by his "yes exactly"
  • LPChip
    LPChip over 9 years
    Lets say you are editing a word document that is not saved. Shutdown normally is prevented and you can save your word document. Now the force shutdown will make you loose precious work. Additionally if your pc becomes slow, and you force-close shutdown, it is possible that files become corrupted. You could be looking at your webbrowsers profile not saving correctly, etc, meaning you have to setup your webbrowser again. you loose the tabs you have open, etc.
  • Kunal Gupta
    Kunal Gupta over 9 years
    One could have shutdown -a handy for it.
  • Ramhound
    Ramhound over 9 years
    I am not sure the reason this answer is getting downvotes. The question isn't exactly clear. The user says his computer won't shutdown, except, this command actually does shut the computer down. Additionally there is little difference between this command and the Shut down option in the Start Menu. In reality, they do exactly the samething, just with different arguments.
  • Ramhound
    Ramhound over 9 years
    @EricF - I am not sure, why you even bring up the buttons on the case, author even in the lack of clarity indicates his problem exists within the software itself.
  • LPChip
    LPChip over 9 years
    @EBGreen I want to solve his problem, not provide an answer that might not work. Therefor I wait for his reply if shutting down with notepad open closes notepad or not.
  • Eric F
    Eric F over 9 years
    All three buttons he mentioned can be found on certain towers. Calm down, I was trying to help based on what he had initially asked.
  • sean christe
    sean christe over 9 years
    But you didn't just wait. You criticized someone else's answer that may or may not work fine for the OP.
  • LPChip
    LPChip over 9 years
    @EBGreen One way or the other, this answer is a workaround, not a permanent solution. I've had people resort to workarounds and then came to me with all kinds of weird problems which were side-effects of workarounds. I learned the hard way that a problem cannot be permanently solved using workarounds.
  • neoDev
    neoDev over 9 years