wiping out the Zookeeper data directory


Solution 1

/zookeeperHome/conf/zoo.cfg: file will have data directroy details


see this

Solution 2

By default, the data directory is /tmp/zookeeper. Otherwise check zoo.cfg file. Check for property dataDir and clean up corresponding direcrory.

Author by


C, C++, Java, Android, AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML and CSS Developer. But mostly interested in Java and Android.

Updated on April 12, 2020


  • User7723337
    User7723337 about 4 years

    I am very new to Hadoop/Hbase and zookeeper.
    I am facing following exception while running create table command in hbase shell.

    org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PleaseHoldException: Master is initializing

    in this question it is mentioned that i need to follow these steps:

    1. Stop Zookeeper  
    2. Wipe the Zookeeper data directory  
    3. Restart it

    To resolve this issue.

    Can someone please explain how to perform these steps in Ubuntu.
    Any Help will be highly appreciated

  • User7723337
    User7723337 about 10 years
    Thanks for replay, but on my Ubuntu i can't find "/tmp/zookeeper" or "zoo.cfg" file either. from one of the conf file of hbase i found that data dir is something "/opt/hbase-data/zookeeper/" but there are only tow folders in this dir "myid" and "version-2" are these the folders that i need to cleanup?
  • Nipun Talukdar
    Nipun Talukdar about 10 years
    Ok. just clean up that folder
  • User7723337
    User7723337 about 10 years
    So i need to delete "myid" and "version-2" folder and run hadoop and hbase again?
  • User7723337
    User7723337 about 10 years
    i deleted both of these file and dir but problem is still same. still getting same errors.
  • mohit6up
    mohit6up about 10 years
    You need the myid file, that contains an integer that uniquely identifies your zookeeper node. Deleting version-2 was all you needed.
  • kisna
    kisna about 8 years
    Noticed a Ubuntu "apt-get install zookeeperd" installation default location at ./var/lib/zookeeper/myid with another one in ./etc/zookeeper/conf_example/myid, wonder which config has these referred