WPF Checkbox style change


Solution 1

You're going to need to customize the Checkbox and create a Custom Template.
For that you need to change the default Checkbox Template.

What you want to do is play a little bit with the triggers and background to style it like you want. Notice the CheckMark property, you'll probably want to keep it Hidden

Solution 2

Ok finally I did it! In attach you can see my solution and I am confortable with the result. If someone have any remarks, please don't hesitate to write a comment. Thank you very much for your help

<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
    <Style TargetType="CheckBox" x:Key="CircleCheckbox">
        <Setter Property="Cursor" Value="Hand"></Setter>   
        <Setter Property="Content" Value=""></Setter>
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type CheckBox}">                   
                        <Ellipse x:Name="outerEllipse">
                                    <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="Red"/>
                                    <GradientStop Offset="0.88" Color="LightCoral"/>
                                    <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="DarkRed"/>
                        <Ellipse Margin="10" x:Name="highlightCircle" >
                            <Ellipse.Fill >
                                <LinearGradientBrush >
                                    <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="Green"/>
                                    <GradientStop Offset="0.5" Color="LightGreen"/>
                                    <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="DarkGreen"/>
                        <ContentPresenter x:Name="content" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
                        <Trigger Property="IsChecked" Value="True">
                            <Setter TargetName="highlightCircle" Property="Fill">
                                    <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.3,0" EndPoint="0.7,1">
                                        <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="Green"/>
                                        <GradientStop Offset="0.5" Color="LightGreen"/>
                                        <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="DarkGreen"/>
                            <Setter TargetName="outerEllipse" Property="Fill">
                                        <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="Green"/>
                                        <GradientStop Offset="0.88" Color="LightGreen"/>
                                        <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="DarkGreen"/>
                        <Trigger Property="IsChecked" Value="False">
                            <Setter TargetName="highlightCircle" Property="Fill">
                                    <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.3,0" EndPoint="0.7,1">
                                        <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="Red"/>
                                        <GradientStop Offset="0.5" Color="LightCoral"/>
                                        <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="DarkRed"/>
Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • xandi1987
    xandi1987 almost 2 years

    I have just started with WPF and need specific feature for a checkbox:

    1. I want to change the shape from a box to a ellipse.
    2. Futher more there should be a color change (green = true, red = false) instead of cross.

    The background: I have different sensors and want to enable/disable them via these checkboxes. I also thought about to use buttons instead of checkboxes, but I think the function is more given by the checkboxes.

    I hope my description is understandable. Is it possible to define such a style- template?

    Kind regards
