WPF Combobox with string Bind to Int property


Solution 1

You are mistaken about what a ComboBox returns. Yours returns string values because that's what you put into it. If instead you create a property where your NumberOfZones property was declared:

public ObservableCollection<int> Numbers { get; set; }

And then data bind that to your ComboBox:

<ComboBox ItemSource="{Binding Numbers}" Background="#FFB7B39D" Height="23" 
    Name="cboNumZones" Width="74" Margin="158,16,368,247" Grid.Row="2" 
    SelectionChanged="cboNumZones_SelectionChanged" SelectedValue="{
    Binding Path=NumberOfZones, Mode=TwoWay}">

Then your selected number will be an int too.

Solution 2

You can set ItemsSource as array of int, then SelectedItem will be of int32 type:

<ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding Path=NumberOfZones, Mode=TwoWay}">             
      <x:Array Type="{x:Type sys:Int32}">

for this you'll need to add sys: namespace to your XAML:


Solution 3

I know the question is for WPF, but just in case you are looking for the answer on Windows 8.1 (WinRT, Universal Apps) it would be:

<ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding NumberOfZones, Mode=TwoWay}">

given that

Author by


Updated on July 27, 2022


  • Tvd
    Tvd almost 2 years

    I want a Combobox with numbers 1-8 and bind the selected value to a property "NumberOfZones" of int type. By default, combobox returns string value so this can't be saved in int property. How do I type cast it to int.

    How do I set items and make selection in int.

       <ComboBox Background="#FFB7B39D" Height="23" Name="cboNumZones" Width="74" Margin="158,16,368,247" Grid.Row="2" SelectionChanged="cboNumZones_SelectionChanged" 
        SelectedValue="{Binding Path=NumberOfZones, Mode=TwoWay}">
                    <ComboBoxItem >1</ComboBoxItem>
                        <ComboBoxItem >2</ComboBoxItem>
                        <ComboBoxItem >3</ComboBoxItem>
                        <ComboBoxItem >4</ComboBoxItem>
                        <ComboBoxItem >5</ComboBoxItem>
                        <ComboBoxItem >6</ComboBoxItem>
                        <ComboBoxItem >7</ComboBoxItem>
                        <ComboBoxItem >8</ComboBoxItem>

    The object that contains NumberOfZones property is the DataContext of the UserControl.

    Many Many Thanks.

  • Tvd
    Tvd over 10 years
    Sheridan, of how wrong I was. Yes your code did the work as you said and even two way was successful. This solution solves my this Q. My other problem - I want to keep the Numbers property common as it is used other places of the app. I am not able to achieve that binding. I have shared it here - stackoverflow.com/questions/18493749/… . Please check out if you can suggest such cool and best option for the same.
  • Tvd
    Tvd over 10 years
    thanks for your response. Sheridan's solution suits more in my app. Thanks.
  • Dave
    Dave over 2 years
    Will this still work if the program is built 64-bit?