WSL - /dev/loop0 workaround


There is no /dev/ support in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). There is a Microsoft User Voice Page where you can comment your needs for such support. Currently 779 people have voted for this feature. You can post a comment linking back to this question and pointing out how the feature is needed to install your software.

For myself it would be great to have /sys/class/backlight support. It seems every WSL user has something they'd like supported in future versions.

Jet Blue
Author by

Jet Blue

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jet Blue
    Jet Blue over 1 year

    I am trying to setup Bochs as shown in this tutorial. However, I'm using WSL and there is no loop0 device.

    # bochsrc.txt #
    megs:        32
    romimage:    file=/usr/share/bochs/BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xf0000
    vgaromimage: /usr/share/bochs/VGABIOS-elpin-2.40
    floppya:     1_44=/dev/loop0, status=inserted
    boot:        a
    log:         bochsout.txt
    mouse:       enabled=0
    clock:       sync=realtime
    cpu:         ips=500000
    # #    
    sudo losetup /dev/loop0 floppy.img
    sudo mount   /dev/loop0 /mnt
    sudo cp      src/kernel /mnt/kernel
    sudo umount  /dev/loop0
    sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0 
    # #
    # mounts the correct loopback device, runs bochs, then unmounts
    sudo losetup /dev/loop0 floppy.img
    sudo bochs   -f bochsrc.txt
    sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0

    Available devices are:

    • block
    • fd
    • kmsg
    • lxss
    • null
    • ptmx
    • pts
    • stdin
    • stdout
    • stderr
    • shm
    • tty[x]
    • zero

    Is there any way I can tweak the above code to work with an available device?

  • dstibbe
    dstibbe almost 5 years
    Is there any feedback whatsoever from MS on this (and the FUSE) issue? I would like to know the roadmap...