Xcode - Dark theme for the whole UI


Solution 1

Xcode's UI can be changed to completely dark with Xcode 10 running on macOS Mojave. Just go into System Preferences -> General -> Under Appearance -> Click the dark mode

Enable Dark Appearance mode

enter image description here

Solution 2

You can reference to this article:


Install a dark mode in system service,it make Xcode most control dark,it's not perfect, but works.

Hope Apple implement it someday.

Solution 3

In Preferences → Accessibility there is a checkbox Invert colors. Of course, it doesn't give a nice dark theme, but I found it quite useful when working in darkness. The whole system interface with this checkbox on looks funny.

Solution 4

System wide dark mode is announced in macOS 10.14 Mojave in WWDC 18. You can also enable dark mode for XCode 10. Dark mode in interface builder. Dark mode in XCode

Here is the link for XCode 10 beta

Solution 5

In Xcode 9 or below you can include the last the theme Dark,


Execute this command

open ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/

and create this file there

Default (Dark).xccolortheme

and paste the content inside of URL

Author by


Updated on June 08, 2020


  • Max
    Max about 4 years

    How can one make Xcode's UI completely dark?

    There must be a way to have a dark theme for Xcode (like Visual Studio has it for example). I'm not only talking about a way of styling the editor, but a full-on dark theme. Dark menus, dark console, dark file browser, dark menu bar, etc.

    Xcode's bright UI hurts at night and I can't be the only one who's really searching for this ;) (please don't recommand f.lux to me now, that's not a solution)