Xcode - There are no dSYMs available for download


Solution 1


Here's a GIF on how to get DSYMS, compress and upload to crashlytics/fabric

enter image description here

  1. Press Window > Organizer
  2. Right-click on your app> Show in Finder
  3. Right-click on first .xcarchive file > Show package contents


You'll need to download dsyms from App Store Connect. The easiest would be to use fastlane

lane :refresh_dsyms do
    download_dsyms                  # Download dSYM files from App Store Connect
    upload_symbols_to_crashlytics   # Optional for uploading to Crashlytics

Solution 2

I think @Jordan is correct--it seems that iTunes Connect is recompiling apps with bitcode so that the UUID changes, and the dSYM inside the .xcarchive can't actually be used to symbolicate the app (this appears to be a new development).

You can download the correct dSYM from iTunes Connect. Login, go to My Apps, select your app, then tap on the Activity tab at the top. Tap on the relevant build, and, assuming the app was submitted with symbols in the first place, you should see the option to "Download dSYM."

The file you get is called dSYMs (without an extension) but it is in fact a zip file. Add the .zip extension, unzip, and you'll find your dSYM(s) inside.

(I needed to do this this week since Crashlytics was complaining about a missing dSYM.)

Solution 3

Actually you can't download dSYM file from iTunesConnect now. There is another way to get that file.

Xcode -> Window -> Organizer -> Show xcarchive file in Finder -> Right Click Your xcarchive file -> Select "Show Package Contents"

You can see your dSYM file now.

Solution 4

bitcode must be enabled

if you want to get your dSYM from iTunesConnect

  • Build Settings > Build Options > Enable Bitcode > YES
  • Select device "Generic iOS Device" (or anything that works)
  • Archive

When exporting from archive

  • CHECK "include app symbols for your application to receive symbolicated crash logs from Apple"
  • CHECK "include bitcode"

Upload using Application Loader

Once your app has been successfully uploaded to iTunesConnect you can go to iTunesConnect.com > MyApps > [YOUR APP] > Activity > All Builds > [YOUR BUILD] > General Information > Includes Symbols > Download dSYM

#xcode8.2.1 #osx10.12.6

Solution 5

I've found a solution from https://twittercommunity.com/t/not-matching-uuid-bitcode/61000/2

"Crashlytics was reporting missing dSYMs with UUID looking like this: 83889b11dedd363c8e5ee56233bcc90c. As I said, I followed the guide7 but I couldn't find that UUID. So I went in the iTunesConnect and I did the following:

  • Select the app
  • Choose the Activity tab on top
  • Select the build version Crashlytics is complaining about
  • Click the Download dSYM blue link

The downloaded file is called dSYM has no extension but it is actually a zip. So I added the zip extension and unzipped it. Inside the unzipped folder I found many dSYM files, one on which has called 83889B11-DEDD-363C-8E5E-E56233BCC90C.dSYM which matched the UUID Crashlytics was reporting as missing (even if formatted in a different way). Note also that this file is not inside the xcarchive.

Hope it can help!"

in my case, it works like charms

Felipe Peña
Author by

Felipe Peña

Felipe Peña is an entrepreneur, musician and iOS developer, currently building and creating new mobile apps and businesses. With more than 8 years of experience in software development, he has been supported and financed by public and private entities such as Wayra (Teléfonica incubator) and CORFO (chilean government). When he’s not in front of his PC, he enjoys helping other startups and entrepreneurs, listening to new music or cooking.

Updated on November 16, 2021


  • Felipe Peña
    Felipe Peña over 2 years

    I want to extract the dSYM file from but when I click on "Download dSYMs..." in the Organizer I get the follow message: "There are no dSYMs available for download.".

    I'm using Xcode 7.2 with a workspace generated by Cocoapods 0.39.

    How can I get them?

    enter image description here

  • Felipe Peña
    Felipe Peña over 8 years
    I don't see that blue link inside of iTunes Connect. I remember I saw this reply in another thread. Do you know what specific section is at?
  • Phil Andrews
    Phil Andrews over 8 years
    @FelipePeña iTunesConnect -> My Apps -> "Your App" -> Activity -> All Builds -> Select Build -> Build Details
  • atulkhatri
    atulkhatri about 8 years
    @spacemonkey Can't find anything there
  • Shamsiddin Saidov
    Shamsiddin Saidov over 7 years
    So I need to submit my app to iTunesConnect first to get the dSYM file and to upload it to fabric.io?
  • mixable
    mixable about 7 years
    Same for me, there is no link to download the dSYMs
  • Jacksonkr
    Jacksonkr almost 7 years
    My app, which is in the app store currently, says "Includes Symbols: Yes" in iTunesConnect yet there is NO ability to download .dSYM
  • Jacksonkr
    Jacksonkr almost 7 years
    This is set, still "No dSYMs were found for Version x.x Build xx"
  • Sazzad Hissain Khan
    Sazzad Hissain Khan over 6 years
    But why Xcode download option is not working? do you have any idea?
  • David L
    David L over 6 years
    This didn't work for me directly from the package contents. I had to copy the dSYMs folder to another folder first and then compress it. See details in here stackoverflow.com/a/47193122/1203475.
  • Andrew Schreiber
    Andrew Schreiber over 6 years
    I needed to run this command in the /dSYM/ folder to compress: zip -r SymbolFiles.zip *.dSYM
  • Zulqarnain Mustafa
    Zulqarnain Mustafa over 6 years
    The question is from "Download DSYMs" button. why it is not downloading by clicking the button? why we have to get it manually?
  • spartygw
    spartygw over 6 years
    I think download dSYMs has been removed. I no longer see it in itunes connect :(
  • Ted
    Ted almost 6 years
    I added the steps below the GIF. I hope it helps!
  • J. Fdez
    J. Fdez almost 6 years
    Great! Thank you
  • IvanMih
    IvanMih almost 6 years
    Wasted half of my day trying to find the source of the problem. In the end it was Apple started using .dsm extension for dSYM files. Renamed it to .zip as @Davide suggested. Tnx mate!
  • Jacksonkr
    Jacksonkr over 5 years
    @swalkner I can't remember exactly. I want to say that I found my situation was not possible to fix :/
  • Dan Rosenstark
    Dan Rosenstark over 5 years
    True story. If you don't have bitcode enabled, Apple will merely show, "includes symbols: Yes" without the Download link.
  • Niloufar
    Niloufar over 5 years
    I tried your solution and uploaded it to crashlytics, it says upload successfull but when I reload the page I still get same error, any ideas?
  • Ted
    Ted over 5 years
    It is a different issue, but looks like you uploaded the wrong binary which doesn't match to what crashlytics is looking for
  • Whirlwind
    Whirlwind over 5 years
    Seems like you can today... When you select a desired build, there is "download dsym" button.
  • WalterF
    WalterF about 5 years
    This is not true for bitcode-enable apps! Bitcode-enabled apps will have different dsym files created by the appstore for the appstore versions.
  • Peter Ivanics
    Peter Ivanics about 5 years
    I have had the same issue, switching the above mentioned setting solved the problem, thanks!
  • legoblocks
    legoblocks about 4 years
    True, Dan Rosenstark. For me, AFTER uploading to iTunesConnect, I had to use Xcode's Organiser and click the "Download dSYM" which didn't give an error, but apparently did nothing (no files appeared anywhere??), but then in iTunesConnect, the blue link appeared next to "Includes Symbols Yes". It's a maze.
  • Zubeir
    Zubeir over 3 years
    Thank you soo much
  • piotr_cz
    piotr_cz about 2 years
    Somehow the link doesn't appear in App Store Connect, even with dSYM and bitcode enabled. Only Includes Symbols: Yes