XMLAGG with RTRIM issue


Solution 1

You need to add .getClobVal() to your XMLType result, before the RTRIM.

XMLAGG works fine with large amounts of data. And TRIM works fine with CLOBs. But when you put them together, Oracle tries to convert the XMLType into a VARCHAR2 instead of a CLOB.


create or replace function test_function return clob is
    v_clob clob;
    v_clob := v_clob || lpad('a', 4000, 'a');
    v_clob := v_clob || lpad('b', 4000, 'b');
    return v_clob;

--Works fine, returns an XMLType
select xmlagg(xmlelement("asdf", test_function)) from dual;

--Works fine, returns a CLOB
select trim(test_function) from dual;

--ORA-19011: Character string buffer too small
select trim(xmlagg(xmlelement("asdf", test_function))) from dual;

select trim(xmlagg(xmlelement("asdf", test_function)).getClobVal()) from dual;

Solution 2

You need to add getClobVal() and also need to rtrim() as it will return delimiter in the end of the results.

SELECT RTRIM(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(E,colname,',').EXTRACT('//text()') ORDER BY colname).GetClobVal(),',')
  FROM tablename;
Soham Shah
Author by

Soham Shah

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Soham Shah
    Soham Shah almost 2 years

    Currently I have the following query:

           WHEN ('[Param.3]' = 'SELECTED')
              THEN (SELECT RTRIM(XMLELEMENT("Rowset", XMLAGG(RW.R ORDER BY RW."ID")), ' ' ) AS Orders
                    FROM TMTABLE UL, XMLTABLE('Rowsets/Rowset/Row' PASSING UL.TEXT COLUMNS "ID" NUMBER(19) PATH 'ID', R xmltype path '.') AS RW
                    WHERE ID BETWEEN '[Param.1]' and '[Param.2]')
           WHEN ('[Param.3]' = 'ALL' )
              THEN (SELECT RTRIM(XMLELEMENT("Rowset", XMLAGG(RW.R ORDER BY RW."ID")) , ' ' ) AS Orders
                    FROM TMTABLE UL, XMLTABLE('Rowsets/Rowset/Row' PASSING UL.TEXT COLUMNS "ID" NUMBER(19) PATH 'ID', R xmltype path '.') AS RW)
        END AS Orders

    This query is working fine if there are small number of XML rows to be merged into single row with XML AGG. But if the number of XML Rows to be merged are higher, this query is throwing the following error:

    ORA-19011: Character string buffer too small

    What change do I need to apply to make this work?

  • Soham Shah
    Soham Shah over 11 years
    I am trying following query: Select XMLELEMENT("Rowset" , XMLAGG( RW.R ORDER BY RW."ID").getClobVal() ) , ' ' ) AS Orders from TMTABLE UL, XMLTABLE('Rowsets/Rowset/Row' PASSING UL.TEXT COLUMNS "ID" NUMBER(19) PATH 'ID', R xmltype path '.' ) AS RW But it gives me follwoing error: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CHAR
  • Jon Heller
    Jon Heller over 11 years
    @SohamShah I think you need to put the .getClobVal() after the last XML function, not just the last XMLAGG. Try: XMLELEMENT("Rowset" , XMLAGG( RW.R ORDER BY RW."ID"), ' ' ).getClobVal().