XSLT 2.0 transformation via linux shell


Solution 1

The documentation of Saxon is online: http://www.saxonica.com/documentation/#!using-xsl/commandline. So you need java -jar saxon9he.jar -xsl:foo.xsl -s:foo.xml -o:bar.xml.

Solution 2

Update: check solution 2 and 3 if your java is version 11 or later, where .internal. are not available anymore.

I just wrote this bash script to use com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.cmdline classes for transforming XML. Works with openjdk just fine. Not a solution for production use cases but handy for debugging.

P.S. took the idea from this blog

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I am passionate for all topics related to web development. In particular i enjoy writing code in Python and JavaScript. I love opportunities to learn about state-of-the-art techniques, developing useful features with pleasant UX and establishing stable build and deploy chains.

Updated on July 20, 2022


  • Alp
    Alp almost 2 years

    I want to perform an XSLT 2.0 transformation by the use of command line executions. I heard that i could use the Saxon library by a shell command like java -jar sax.jar -input foo.xml -xsl foo.xsl -output bar.xml. Does anyone know how exactly i can achieve that goal?

    By the way, i am not limited to Java. Any other shell solution is fine.

    • Vincent Biragnet
      Vincent Biragnet over 12 years
      Be aware that a Sax parser does not perform XSLT. Sax parser parse XML in a stream and fire events. Saxon is an XSLT processor. Most of the time a XSLT processor does not stream. Saxon (in his commercial version) has streaming capabilities with the latest instructions provided by XSLT 3.0.
    • Alp
      Alp over 12 years
      thanks for clarification of correct naming
  • Alp
    Alp over 12 years
    thanks alot. i also found this: manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/saxonb-xslt.1.html is that good too or what would you prefer?
  • Michael Kay
    Michael Kay over 12 years
    The version of Saxon shipped with your Ubuntu distribution is probably rather old. It's probably better to download the most recent version (though if you're a beginner you probably won't notice much difference).
  • febot
    febot about 3 years
    It seems, like all .internal. stuff, it goes away after some time... So your bash script ends up with ClassNotFoundException with JDK 11
  • akostadinov
    akostadinov about 3 years
    @OndraŽižka, you are right. I've updated answer with another solution. Do you think Java stopped to embed XSLT or rather we have no way to access it anymore?