Zip and Unzip the Folders and Files Using Java


Solution 1

public class FolderZiper {
  public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception {
    zipFolder("c:\\a", "c:\\");

  static public void zipFolder(String srcFolder, String destZipFile) throws Exception {
    ZipOutputStream zip = null;
    FileOutputStream fileWriter = null;

    fileWriter = new FileOutputStream(destZipFile);
    zip = new ZipOutputStream(fileWriter);

    addFolderToZip("", srcFolder, zip);

  static private void addFileToZip(String path, String srcFile, ZipOutputStream zip)
      throws Exception {

    File folder = new File(srcFile);
    if (folder.isDirectory()) {
      addFolderToZip(path, srcFile, zip);
    } else {
      byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
      int len;
      FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(srcFile);
      zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(path + "/" + folder.getName()));
      while ((len = > 0) {
        zip.write(buf, 0, len);

  static private void addFolderToZip(String path, String srcFolder, ZipOutputStream zip)
      throws Exception {
    File folder = new File(srcFolder);

    for (String fileName : folder.list()) {
      if (path.equals("")) {
        addFileToZip(folder.getName(), srcFolder + "/" + fileName, zip);
      } else {
        addFileToZip(path + "/" + folder.getName(), srcFolder + "/" + fileName, zip);

Solution 2

The original Java implementation is known to have some bugs related to files encoding. For example it can't properly handle filenames with umlauts.

TrueZIP is an alternative that we've used in our project: Check the documentation on the site.

Author by


Bangalore, India, Dream to Develop a Web Eco System where all Internet users can interact and exchange Ideas. Always work on New innovative Ideas with latest technology

Updated on July 22, 2022


  • gmhk
    gmhk almost 2 years

    If My Application wants to zip the Resultant files(group of Files) using java in a dynamic way, what are the available options in Java? When i Browsed I have got package to use, but is there any other way where I can use it to implement?