12.04 POSTFIX openDKIM no DKIM signature


I found my own answer. the messages in /var/log/mail.log were instrumental in tracking down what was wrong. I'm still new to Linux, that was a tough lesson learned.

my problem was that in opendkim.conf I specified settings for:

  1. Domian
  2. KeyFile
  3. Selector

And also

  1. KeyTable
  2. SigningTable

I removed the tables and the emails were signed from all emails in my domain. That is after i restarted opendkim and postfix.


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Antonios Hadjigeorgalis
Author by

Antonios Hadjigeorgalis

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Antonios Hadjigeorgalis
    Antonios Hadjigeorgalis over 1 year

    I followed the instructions in this post here's my postfix main.cf

    smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
    biff = no
    append_dot_mydomain = no
    readme_directory = no
    # TLS parameters
    smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache
    smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache
    myhostname = 2mm.biz                                     
    alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
    alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
    myorigin = /etc/mailname
    mydestination = 2mm.biz, 2mm.compute-1.internal, localhost.compute-1.internal, localhost
    relayhost = 
    mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
    mailbox_size_limit = 0
    recipient_delimiter = +
    inet_interfaces = all
    inet_protocols = all
    luser_relay = ubuntu@localhost
    local_recipient_maps =
    virtual_alias_domains = 2mm.biz
    virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
    #added below for DKIM
    milter_default_action = accept
    milter_protocol = 2

    And here is my opendkim.conf

    Syslog                  yes
    LogWhy                  yes
    UMask                   022
    UserID                  opendkim:opendkim
    Domain                  2mm.biz
    KeyFile                 /etc/opendkim/20121002.private
    Selector                20121002
    Canonicalization        relaxed/simple
    Mode                    sv
    #SubDomains             no
    KeyTable                refile:/etc/opendkim/KeyTable
    SigningTable            refile:/etc/opendkim/SigningTable
    ExternalIgnoreList      refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
    InternalHosts           refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
    Socket                  inet:8891@localhost

    I'm only using one domain so I left SubDomains commented out. When I check with http://www.brandonchecketts.com/emailtest.php it says that there are no domainkeys or DKIM signature. I updated my DNS with my public key. This is on an amazon EC2 64 bit Ubuntu micro instance. I used sendmail command to test the signatures.

    I'm to sure where else to look for a solution. Any ideas?