A left outer reverse select_related in Django?


Solution 1

Starting from Django 1.4 prefetch_related does what you want.


Related(!) django docs : https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets/#prefetch-related.

Solution 2

In this case, I think the best thing to do is list the children, then get the parent from them, like this:

children = Child.objects.filter(...).select_related('parent').order_by('parent')

Then in the template, possibly use a regroup (note the order_by above):

{% regroup children by parent as parents %}
{% for parent in parents %}
    <li>{{ parent.grouper }}
    {% for child in parents.list %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Author by


Follower of the Way, husband, father, programmer, 34.

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • augustomen
    augustomen about 2 years

    Imagine the following model:

    class Parent(Model):
    class Child(Model)
        father = ForeignKey(Parent)

    Some parents have children, others do not (they're not parents in the real meaning, it's just a fictional name).

    I would like to make the following query: I want to list all the Parents, and if they have children, bring me the children too. That would be the equivalent of a left outer join to Child table, that is:

    select * from app_parent left join app_child on child_father_id=parent_id

    This way, when I invoke Parent.child_set in my template, I won't hit the database a gazillion times. Is there a way to do that? Thanks

  • augustomen
    augustomen about 14 years
    Not quite; as far as I'm concerned, select_related() does no reverse lookup, it only looks forward.
  • Bernhard Vallant
    Bernhard Vallant about 14 years
    Are you sure about that? I looked at the Django documentation and it says it does for 1:1 relations, but not sure about ForeignKey-relations...
  • Andi Albrecht
    Andi Albrecht over 13 years
    According to the docs select_related() can do reverse lookups starting with Django 1.2, but only for OneToOneFields.
  • gsharma
    gsharma over 11 years
    I don't think it is the same thing as OP asked. I just ran select_prefetch and it actually runs 2 queries: 1. select * from parents; 2. select * from child where parent_id IN (-bunch-of-comma-separated-ids-from-query-1-go-here-) Is this how it is supposed to work or am I doing something wrong?