A tutorial on SQLite3 for Node.js and a code example explanation wanted


Maybe you can try node-sqlite from grumdrig. He has a very nice "example-driven" documentation.

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Updated on July 16, 2022


  • corazza
    corazza almost 2 years

    I am a bit confused with SQLite at the moment, as this is the first time I'm ever using a database. I got sqlite3 from here: https://github.com/developmentseed/node-sqlite3.

    I'm looking at that example there, some things I do understand, while others I do not. Most of those database commands that are wrapped in .run(), .prepare() and the like give me a hard time.

    This is the example:

    var usersDB = new sqlite3.Database("databases/users.db");
      usersDB.serialize(function() {
      usersDB.run("CREATE TABLE lorem (info TEXT)");
      var stmt = usersDB.prepare("INSERT INTO lorem VALUES (?)");
      for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
          stmt.run("Ipsum " + i);
      usersDB.each("SELECT rowid AS id, info FROM lorem", function(err, row) {
          console.log(row.id + ": " + row.info);

    Also, how do I store simple things such as usernames, passwords (do I have to hash them myself?) and emails in the SQLite database on Node.js?

  • André Leria
    André Leria about 11 years
    The linked page has a link to an asynchronous API. This one.
  • Andrew_1510
    Andrew_1510 over 10 years
    This might be more easy to do asynchronous things: npm install sqlite3 - Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 binding. 2014-0307.